Презентация, доклад на тему Рождество в Австралии презентация для учащихся 9 классов

When New Year 's Eve is celebrated in AustraliaThe New Year 's Eve in Australia is celebrated on January 1 - in the middle of summer. The average temperature at this time is 25-30 ° C.

Слайд 1Australian New Year
By students from 3-ITS 11-8 Markov Ilya and Baygereev

Teacher: Ageeva Zhanna Aleksandrovna
Australian New YearBy students from 3-ITS 11-8 Markov Ilya and Baygereev RustamTeacher: Ageeva Zhanna Aleksandrovna

Слайд 2When New Year 's Eve is celebrated in Australia
The New Year

's Eve in Australia is celebrated on January 1 - in the middle of summer. The average temperature at this time is 25-30 ° C. The celebration takes place in the open air, usually by the water. Sand instead of snow, a surfboard instead of snowboard, kangaroos instead of deer and beach parties instead of cosy sit-ins by the fireplace - that 's what Australian New Year is.
When New Year 's Eve is celebrated in AustraliaThe New Year 's Eve in Australia is celebrated

Слайд 3Australian New Year: Traditions and Customs
The Year in Australia is a

public holiday, January 1, the whole population has a day off. There are no official New Year holidays, on January 2 people go to work. But many take time off during the Christmas and New Year period to spend time with their family or go on a journey.
Australian New Year: Traditions and CustomsThe Year in Australia is a public holiday, January 1, the whole

Слайд 4Christmas decorations
Australians decorate houses by Christmas: hang wreaths on the front

doors, put trees in their houses and gardens, hang Christmas lights. These decorations remain during the New Year celebrations.

Christmas trees do not grow in the Australian climate, and most often artificial or living trees are brought from Europe. Many buy or grow metrosideros in pots in advance: an Australian evergreen tree with small green leaves and cream flowers.
Christmas decorationsAustralians decorate houses by Christmas: hang wreaths on the front doors, put trees in their houses

Слайд 5Santa Claus
Santa brings children sweets and leaves gifts under a tree

or metrosideros. In return, children often leave pies with beer for him and carrots for deer.

After reaching Australia, Santa Claus gives his deer a rest. Sometimes he takes a kangaroo instead, and sometimes he arrives on a surf board or on a lifeboat. He changes his usual clothes to less hot: a swimming suit or beach melts. Only the red cap remains unchanged.

Surfers and rescuers in Santa Claus suits can be found at beach parties on the occasion of the New Year. And children make figures like snowmen out of sand.
Santa Claus Santa brings children sweets and leaves gifts under a tree or metrosideros. In return, children

Слайд 6Holiday table
There are no special New Year dishes in Australia. Barbecues,

steaks, grilled sausage are often cooked. At midnight it is common to drink champagne or local wine, and various alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails are served on the table. The only required dish is pie. He could be anything. The cook puts a coin in the dough. Whoever gets it will get married or married in the new year. On New Year 's Eve, kiosks with festive treats work on the streets and in parks.
Holiday tableThere are no special New Year dishes in Australia. Barbecues, steaks, grilled sausage are often cooked.

Слайд 7Meeting of New year
New Year 's salutes are very popular in

Australia. Fireworks symbolize the transition from New Year 's Eve, marking the end of the old year, to the beginning of the New Year. Festive fireworks are launched at midnight to say goodbye to the past and greet the future.
Meeting of New yearNew Year 's salutes are very popular in Australia. Fireworks symbolize the transition from

Слайд 8Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Thank you for your attention!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!Thank you for your attention!

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