Презентация, доклад на тему Рождество

Christmas – is the most popular celebration in England. It starts 25 December and lasts all night.

Слайд 1Christmas time!

Christmas time!

Слайд 2Christmas – is the most popular celebration in England. It starts

25 December and lasts all night.
Christmas – is the most popular celebration in England. It starts 25 December and lasts all night.

Слайд 3People decorate the house with lights, wreaths, make a special dinner.

As for the city… It is also decorate!
People decorate the house with lights, wreaths, make a special dinner. As for the city… It is

Слайд 5But the first people are do the shopping (food, drink, gifts

and more), clean up their houses, make the decorations.
They are having a good time with theirs family.
But the first people are do the shopping (food, drink, gifts and more), clean up their houses,

Слайд 6In Russia too is Christmas. But there are some differences:

In Russia too is Christmas. But there are some differences:

Слайд 7Right, now…
Merry Christmas and happy New Year! (*¯︶¯*)

Right, now…Merry Christmas and happy New Year! (*¯︶¯*)

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