Презентация, доклад на тему Роль английского языка в современном мире

The object of research is EnglishThe subject of research is the role of language in the modern worldTheoretical basis for writing the work are Internet content and educational materials

Слайд 1The role of English in the modern world

The role of English  in the modern world

Слайд 2The object of research is English
The subject of research is the

role of language in the modern world
Theoretical basis for writing the work are Internet content and educational materials
The object of research is EnglishThe subject of research is the role of language in the modern

Слайд 3Influence

- Latin

- French

- German

- Greek

- Other Languages

- Derived from Proper Names

Influence          - Latin- French-  German- Greek- Other

Слайд 4English-speaking countries

Native language
Second language

English-speaking countriesNative language Second language

Слайд 5Knowledge of English in Europe

Knowledge of English in Europe

Слайд 6Using in the Internet

Using in the Internet

Слайд 7English has the official and semi-official status in the 75 countries

English has the official and  semi-official status in the 75 countries

Слайд 8The 10 most famous writers of UK
1. Lord Byron "Childe Harold's

2. Oscar Wilde "The Portrait of Dorian Gray“
3. Gerald Durrell "Hounds of Bafut“
4. Ray Bradbury "A Sound of Thunder“
5. Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre“
6. William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet“
7. Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland“
8. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe“
9. Joanne Rowling "Harry Potter“
10. Philip Pullman "Northern Lights"

The 10 most famous writers of UK1. Lord Byron

Слайд 9Theory of David Crystal
"The language becomes an international for one dominant

reason - political power of people who speak that language, especially through military might. The history of the global language can be seen in the successful expeditions of soldiers or sailors who speak this language"
Theory of David Crystal

Слайд 10Conclusion
English has become the global language of business, science, education, politics,

music and film industry. Owning the English language, you can achieve your goals with the help of new features.
ConclusionEnglish has become the global language of business, science, education, politics, music and film industry. Owning the

Слайд 11References
•Crystal D. "English as a
global language“
•"Education abroad“
•"Circle of Life“
•Internet resources

References•Crystal D.

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