Презентация, доклад на тему Road safety” Безопасность на дорогах

“The Boy Who Did Not Stop, Look and Listen”World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

Слайд 1“Road safety” «Безопасность на дорогах»
Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции в различных видах речевой

“Road safety” «Безопасность на дорогах»Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции в различных видах речевой деятельности.

Слайд 2“The Boy Who Did Not Stop, Look and Listen”
World Day of


for Road Traffic Victims

“The Boy Who Did Not Stop, Look and Listen”World Day of Remembrance



death rate of child pedestrians in Great Britain is worse than that in many other countries. In recent years we have been behind such countries as France, the Netherlands, Japan, Austria, Australia and Belgium in terms of the number of child pedestrians killed as a proportion of the population”.
Internet resource

Слайд 4Original research paper Fatal Road Traffic Accidents among Young Children *Harnam

Singh, **A. D. Aggarwal http://medind.nic.in/jal/t10/i4/jalt10i4p286.pdf

Pedestrians and cyclists are the common group injured.

Majority of fatal accidents occurred during winter season.

Children were at fault in majority of cases. They were either playing on the road or crossing the roads, unsupervised by adults. The cyclists were not wearing any protection helmets
Older kids - 10 to 14 years old - have better movement and perception skills, but tend to be more reckless than younger kids. They may know about the risks, but ignore them. Kids with behavioural problems are most at risk.

Older kids - 10 to 14 years old - have better movement and perception skills, but tend to be more reckless than younger kids. They may know about the risks, but ignore them. Kids with behavioural problems are most at risk.

Original research paper Fatal Road Traffic Accidents among Young Children *Harnam Singh, **A. D. Aggarwal  http://medind.nic.in/jal/t10/i4/jalt10i4p286.pdf

Слайд 5What about Russia? Do you think that the road safety situation in

our country is better than in the UK?


What about Russia? Do you think that the road safety situation in our country is better than

Слайд 6The road safety situation in Astrakhan region from January to September

The road safety situation in Astrakhan region from January to September 2012

Слайд 7The top ten causes of auto accidents compiled from various sources

from countries like the US and Canada. http://www.ebrandon.ca/messagethread.aspx?message_id=385608&cat_id=149

bad weather,
driving under the influence of alcohol,
drug use,
cell phone use,
recklessness and road hazards.

The top ten causes of auto accidents compiled from various sources from countries like the US and

Слайд 8What about Russia?

Could you ,please try to translate it into English?

What do drivers and pedestrians break? What does ПДД stand for?
What about Russia?http://www.google.ru/search?hl=ruCould you ,please try to translate it into English? What do drivers and pedestrians break?

Слайд 9Проект программы профилактики детского дорожно-транспортного травматизма для образовательных учреждений http://www.gibddsao.ru/article38.php
В Российской

Федерации количество ДТП с участием детей в возрасте до 14 лет в расчете на 10 тыс. единиц транспорта почти в 10 раз выше, чем в Великобритании

Основными причинами ДТП по неосторожности детей чаще всего становятся: нарушение правил перехода проезжей части (61,9%); неподчинение сигналам светофора (11,8%); неожиданный выход из-за транспортного средства, деревьев (15,3%); игра на проезжей части (4,2%); неумелое управление велосипедом (3,0.

Из дней недели наиболее часто ДТП с участием детей происходят в понедельник, Наиболее аварийное время суток – это утренние часы с 8 до 9, когда дети идут в школу, а также с 15 до 20 часов. Основной категорией детей, пострадавших в ДТП являются школьники, из них мальчиков гибнет больше.
Проект программы профилактики детского дорожно-транспортного травматизма для образовательных учреждений http://www.gibddsao.ru/article38.phpВ Российской Федерации количество ДТП с участием детей

Слайд 10What do you think? Any ideas?
So what's the solution?

slower traffic,

drivers’ education
teaching kids about road safety in the family, at school, during meetings with traffic policemen
safe playgrounds for children
obeying traffic rules
wearing of safety helmets
(*Harnam Singh, **A. D. Aggarwal

What do you think? Any ideas?So what's the solution? slower traffic, better drivers’ education teaching kids about

Слайд 11What can we do?
We must always follow road safety rules.
We can

tell other people about road safety rules and about WDR.
We can visit the Astrakhan Museum of State Traffic Inspection, interview traffic policemen and make a slide show.
We can make a poster about road safety rules.
We can make up a chant for WDR.
What can we do?We must always follow road safety rules.We can tell other people about road safety

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