Презентация, доклад на тему Разработка урока и презентация по теме Ломоносов

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born on November 19th, 1711, in Arkhangelsk province He was born to a family of a prosperous peasant and fisherman. When he was young he liked fishing with his father. Lomonosov’s mother

Слайд 1The Biography of Mikhail Lomonosov

The Biography of Mikhail Lomonosov

Слайд 2Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born on November 19th, 1711, in Arkhangelsk

province He was born to a family of a prosperous peasant and fisherman. When he was young he liked fishing with his father. Lomonosov’s mother was a deacon’s daughter.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born on November 19th, 1711, in Arkhangelsk province He was born to a

Слайд 3At the age of ten he started accompanying his father in

business ventures. However, the boy was keen on studying and getting knowledge.
At the age of ten he started accompanying his father in business ventures. However, the boy was

Слайд 4He spent every spare minute with books. At the age of

nineteen Lomonosov decided to go to Moscow on foot because he wanted to study.
He spent every spare minute with books. At the age of nineteen Lomonosov decided to go to

Слайд 5Mikhail had to conceal his origin in order to be admitted

to the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy of Moscow, where he started his education. He entered the Slavic Greek Latin Academy and lived on three kopecks a day, living off only black bread and kvass. However, he made a rapid progress in studies.
Mikhail had to conceal his origin in order to be admitted to the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy of Moscow,

Слайд 6Soon, he was awarded a scholarship to Saint Petersburg State University,

and then he got a two-year grant to study in Germany. In 1736 he was sent abroad to complete his studies in chemistry and mining.
Soon, he was awarded a scholarship to Saint Petersburg State University, and then he got a two-year

Слайд 7Lomonosov worked hard and he became a great scientist. Arriving back

to Moscow, Lomonosov was made a full member of the Russian Academy of Science and named professor of chemistry. He established first chemistry laboratory in the Academy.
Lomonosov worked hard and he became a great scientist. Arriving back to Moscow, Lomonosov was made a

Слайд 8 In 1755, wishing to improve Russian education system, Lomonosov together

with his patron Count Ivan Shuvalov founded the Moscow State University.
In 1755, wishing to improve Russian education system, Lomonosov together with his patron Count Ivan Shuvalov

Слайд 9Mikhail Lomonosov was Russia’s first world-famed specialist in natural science and

education, a statesman, a famous Russian scientist, polymath. He was a talented, outstanding poet, the founder of Russian literary language who had greatly contributed into national literature.

Mikhail Lomonosov was Russia’s first world-famed specialist in natural science and education, a statesman, a famous Russian

Слайд 10The spheres of science that he was interested included chemistry, geography,

physics, natural science, history, philology, art and some others. He had encyclopedic knowledges, interests and abilities..

His major scientific accomplishment was in the field of physical chemistry, with other notable discoveries in astronomy, geophysics, geology, metallurgy and mineralogy

The spheres of science that he was interested included chemistry, geography, physics, natural science, history, philology, art

Слайд 11He made a telescope, observed a lot of stars and planets

and was the first to discover the atmosphere of Venus
He made a telescope, observed a lot of stars and planets and was the first to discover

Слайд 12Him was invented the first gas barometer, developed the methods of

exact weighting, brought up the kinetic theory of warmth, proved the organic origin of oils, stone coal and amber.
Him was invented the first gas barometer, developed the methods of exact weighting, brought up the kinetic

Слайд 13Lomonosov build a factory near Petersburg where glass was produced and

he made a portrait of Peter I of pieces of glass.
Lomonosov build a factory near Petersburg where glass was produced and he made a portrait of Peter

Слайд 14Most of Lomonosov’s accomplishments were almost unknown outside Russia until long

after his death. Lomonosov died in 1765 in Saint-Petersburg. He is still known as the father of Russian science and founder of Moscow State University.
Most of Lomonosov’s accomplishments were almost unknown outside Russia until long after his death. Lomonosov died in

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