Презентация, доклад на тему Rainbow english 6 unit 1 step 2

[æ]-bank, palace, change, back, that [m]-move, monument, minute,museum, [a:]-fast, tzar, garden, park

Слайд 1

Слайд 2[æ]-bank, palace, change, back, that [m]-move, monument, minute,museum, [a:]-fast, tzar, garden, park

[æ]-bank, palace, change, back, that  [m]-move, monument, minute,museum, [a:]-fast, tzar, garden, park

Слайд 3p.11 ex.4

p.11 ex.4

Слайд 6appear

appearChange bankfastfound

Слайд 7monument


Слайд 8What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 9Match

Match TsarChangeFoundMoveFastAppear

Слайд 10Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg

Слайд 11St Petersburg is a famous Russian city situated on the Neva

River near the Baltic Sea.
St Petersburg is a famous Russian city situated on the Neva River near the Baltic Sea.

Слайд 12The first name of the city was St Petersburg after the

Tsar Peter the Great who was founded it

In 1914 the city got the name of Petrograd and change it for Leningrad in 1924. it became St Petersburg again in 1991.

The first name of the city was St Petersburg after the Tsar Peter the Great who was

Слайд 13Peter the Great founded the city in 1703 and moved the

capital from Moscow to St Petersburg in 1712. The new city became home of Russian tsars and began to grow fast.
Peter the Great founded the city in 1703 and moved the capital from Moscow to St Petersburg

Слайд 14Soon beautiful Winter Palace appeared Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square with a tall

column in its centre. You can see the famous monument to Peter the Great on the bank of the Neva river.
Soon beautiful Winter Palace appeared Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square with a tall column in its centre. You can

Слайд 15St Petersburg is famous for its palaces and bridges, its churches,

theatres and museums, its wonderful parks and gardens. The Summer Garden is one of them.
St Petersburg is famous for its palaces and bridges, its churches, theatres and museums, its wonderful parks

Слайд 16Every year a lot of tourists come to see this beautiful

city. They walk along the straights streets of St Petersburg, enjoy boat trips, take lots of pictures and often come back
to it.
Every year a lot of tourists come to see this beautiful city. They walk along the straights

Слайд 17the monument to Alexander
Pushkin in Moscow
the monument to Suvorov

St Petersburg
the monument to Alexander Pushkin in Moscowthe monument to Suvorov in St Petersburg

Слайд 18the monument to Peter the Great
in St Petersburg;
the monument to

Fyodorov in Moscow
the monument to Peter the Great in St Petersburg;the monument to Ivan Fyodorov in Moscow

Слайд 19the monument to Alexander
Pushkin in St Petersburg
the monument George Zhukov

in Moscow
the monument to Alexander Pushkin in St Petersburgthe monument George Zhukov in Moscow

Слайд 20the monument to Catherina
the Great in St Petersburg .
the monument

Yury Gagarin
in Moscow
the monument to Catherina the Great in St Petersburg .the monument Yury Gagarin in Moscow

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