Презентация, доклад на тему Quiz презентация по английскому языку на тему Английский и русский языки

Languages that are not changed over the time are considered to be dead languages. The fact that English changes so much, shows that it is alive language. English has changed over the time, for example speakers

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Languages that are not changed over the time are considered to

be dead languages. The fact that English changes so much, shows that it is alive language. English has changed over the time, for example speakers of 1500 AD would not have to understood an English speaker from 500 AD.
Languages that are not changed over the time are considered to be dead languages. The fact that

Слайд 3Over the time it has evolved from the use of “Old

English,” to “Middle English,” “Early Modern English,” to present day “Modern English.” These changes are a direct reflection of the era in which the English was spoken.
Over the time it has evolved from the use of “Old English,” to “Middle English,” “Early Modern

Слайд 4For example, the simple expression “Dude,” in 1880, described a man

who went slightly overboard with his fashion. And today, the expression has become a part of the teenage vocabulary as a way to show excitement.
For example, the simple expression “Dude,” in 1880, described a man who went slightly overboard with his

Слайд 5As for the Russian language, in Soviet times, Russian was a

regional language with global ambitions. It was one of the official languages of the UN Security Council, but it was not as widely spoken as French or Spanish. At the same time, it was the lingua franca in socialist countries and in Asian, African and Latin American nations where the Soviet Union was training “builders of socialism.”
As for the Russian language, in Soviet times, Russian was a regional language with global ambitions. It

Слайд 6In September 1, 2009, Russia's government has a new list of

official reference books for language use. The list has effected a number of official changes to the Russian language, causing concern among some linguists.
In September 1, 2009, Russia's government has a new list of official reference books for language use.

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