Презентация, доклад на тему Programming Languages

“Computers aren’t intelligent, they only think they are.” Anonymous

Слайд 1The plan of the lesson № 13
Subject: English.

Teacher: A.T. Tleuzhan.
Group - 121
Date: 12.12.13. 0930
The plan of the lesson № 13   Subject: English.

Слайд 2“Computers aren’t intelligent, they only think they are.”

“Computers aren’t intelligent, they only think they are.” Anonymous

Слайд 3
Recall the names of the objects in the picture.

mouse pad

Recall the names of the objects in the picture.keyboardmouse padprinterCPUmousecartridges CDmodemmonitorspeakers

Слайд 4Find the item in the picture and write
the corresponding letter

next to the word



online shopping

search engine














Find the item in the picture and write the corresponding letter next to the word password mouse

Слайд 5Questions.
1.What do specialists in computer science deal with?
2.What are the computers

used for?
3.What can say about simple and complex computers?
4.What are the main functions of the Computer?

Questions.1.What do specialists in computer science deal with?2.What are the computers used for?3.What can say about simple


1. A machine looks and acts like a person:

A) Robot. B) Vacuum cleaner. C) Telephone. D) TV-set. E) Pen.
2. You use this to point and click:
A) Mouse. B) Screen. C) Data. D) Information. E) Telephone.
3. You look at this when you work on a computer:
A) Screen. B) Book. C) Pen. D) Mouse. E) Keyboard.
4. A special equipment used for printing:
A) Scanner. B) Mouse. C) Printer. D) Keyboard. E) Software.
5. When you type, you find the letters here:
A) Mouse. B) Keyboard. C) Software. D) Internet. E) Printer.
6.You look for information ……:
A)In the table. B)In the wardrobe. C)On the internet. D) In the space. E)In the bus.
7. You can send …… if you have the internet:
A) Toys. B) E-mail. C) Animals. D) Gift. E) Flowers.
8. To receive e-mail first switch on:
A) Mouse. B) Keyboard. C) Computer. D) Scanner. E) Printer.
9. Computer uses to scan …… of goods and things in the supermarkets:
A) Newspapers. B) Magazines. C) Prices. D) Forms. E) Shapes.
10. Computer helps schoolchildren and students to prepare ……:
A) Home tasks. B) Songs. C)Tails. D) Dances. E) Books.

MINI TEST.1. A machine looks and acts like a person:  A) Robot.  B) Vacuum cleaner.

Слайд 7Keys

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B

8. C
9. C
10. A

“5” – 9,10
“4” - 7,8
“3” - 6

Keys1. A2. A3. A4. C5. B6. C7. B

The main aim of the lesson: To teach

students to speak about PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES. To enrich students’ knowledge, concerning the theme. To develop the students skills and habits. To ask and answer the questions on the given theme; to practice in reading the text and written oral speech skills. Talk about the new vocabulary words.
The Theme: PROGRAMMING LANGUAGESThe main aim of the lesson: To teach students to speak about PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES.

Слайд 91. Computer-[kəm'pjuːtə] 10. Algebra-['ælʤɪbrə]
2. Problem-['prɔbləm]

11. Algebraic- [ˌælʤɪ'breɪɪk)]
3. Instruction-[ɪn'strʌkʃ(ə)n] 12. Mathematics-
4. Type-[taɪp], 13. Phrase- [freɪz]
5. Program-['prəugræm], 14. Symbol- ['sɪmb(ə)l]
6. Machine-[mə'ʃiːn], 15. Interpret-[ɪn'tɜːprɪt]
7. Code- [kəud] 16. Commercial- [kə'mɜːʃ(ə)l]
8. Formula- ['fɔːmjələ] 17. Algorithm-['ælg(ə)rɪð(ə)m]
9. Programming-['prəugræmɪŋ]

New international words

1. Computer-[kəm'pjuːtə]       10. Algebra-['ælʤɪbrə]2. Problem-['prɔbləm]

1. Computers can deal with different kinds of problems but

they must be given the right instructions. Instructions are written in one of the high-level languages, for example, FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, PASCAL, BASIC, or C. But a program written in one of these languages should be interpreted into machine code. Usually when one instruction written in a high-level language is transformed into machine code, it results in several instructions. A brief description of some high-level languages are given below. 2. FORTRAN is acronym for FORmula TRANslation. This language is used for solving scientific and mathematical problems. It consists of algebraic formulae and English phrases. 3. COBOL is acronym for COmmon Business-Oriented Languages. This language is used for commercial purposes. COBOL deals with the problems that do not involve a lot of mathematical calculations. 4. ALGOL is acronym for ALGOrithmic Language. It is used for mathematical and scientific purposes. 5. BASIC is acronym for Beginner's A ll-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It is used by students who require a simple language to begin programming. 6. С is developed to support the UNIX operating system. С is a general-purpose language. 7. When a program is designed to do a specific type of work it is called an application program.
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES1. Computers can deal with different kinds of problems but they must be given the right

Слайд 111. to deal (with) а. простой язык
2. high-level language

b. языки программирования
3. to solve problems с. алгебраические формулы
4. brief description d. в коммерческих целях
5. to consist (of) e. иметь дело (с кем-л., чём-л.)
6. programming languages f. язык общего назначения
7. for commercial purposes g. решать проблемы
8. algebraic formulae h. краткое описание
9. general-purpose language i. состоять (из чего-л.)
10. application program j. язык высокого уровня
11. simple language k. приводить (к какому-л. результату)
12. to result (in) l. прикладная программа

1. Орыс тіліне сәйкестендір, қазақ тіліндегі мағынасын бер.

2. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - сөйлемдерді аударыңыз, түсінгеніңізді айтыңыз.

1. to deal (with)		  а. простой язык2. high-level language

Слайд 12

3. Дұрыс вариантты таңдап сөйлемдерді аяқтаңыз:

1. FORTRAN is a high-level language which is used for
a) supporting UNIX operating system;
b) commercial purposes;
c) solving scientific and mathematical problems.
2. ALGOL is a high-level language which is intended to... .
a) be used for commercial purposes;
b) solve mathematical and scientific problems;
c) be used by students who require a simple language to begin programming.
3. COBOL is a high-level language which is designed....
a) to solve scientific and mathematical problems;
b) to be used for commercial purposes;
c) to support the UNIX operating system.
4. BASIC is a high-level language which is used....
a) for solving scientific problems;
b) for commercial purposes;
c) by students who require a simple language to begin programming.
5.С is a high-level language which is developed ... .
a) to support the UNIX operating system;
b) to deal with mathematical problems;
c) for commercial purposes.
3. Дұрыс вариантты таңдап сөйлемдерді

Слайд 13Home task
Retell the text.

Home taskRetell the text.

Слайд 14Assignment
The Internet is a new way to communicate. Some people think

it has more drawbacks than advantages. What can you say for and against communicating by using the Internet?

Write 150-200 words essay
AssignmentThe Internet is a new way to communicate. Some people think it has more drawbacks than advantages.

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