Презентация, доклад на тему Проектная работа ученицы 10 класса Лапатиной Юлии 2015 г- УМК Кауфман - Friend for life

I would like to tell you about my friends which I know since the childhood. There are Lera, Dasha, Lera, Zhenya

Слайд 1Project
«Friends for life»
Made by Lapatina Julia

Project  «Friends for life» Made by Lapatina Julia  2015 year

Слайд 2I would like to tell you about my friends which I

know since the childhood. There are Lera, Dasha, Lera, Zhenya
I would like to tell you about my friends which I know since the childhood. There are

Слайд 3Lera is beautiful blonde, smart, fair and funny
Zhenya is girl with

beautiful long hair, loyal, ambitious and sensitive
Lera is beautiful blonde, smart, fair and funnyZhenya is girl with beautiful long hair, loyal, ambitious and

Слайд 4Dasha is beautiful girl, funny, friendly sociable
Lera is girl with beautiful

blue eyes, caring, cheerful and energetic
Dasha is beautiful girl, funny, friendly sociableLera is girl with beautiful blue eyes, caring, cheerful and energetic

Слайд 5Our friendship began in kindergarten, when we were very young. We

always played together and went for a walk.
Our friendship began in kindergarten, when we were very young. We always played together and went for

Слайд 6We travel together in the camps and celebrate holidays .

We travel together in the camps and celebrate holidays .

Слайд 7On holidays we go to the cinema and eat pizza

On holidays we go to the cinema and eat pizza

Слайд 8My friends and I like to ice-skate in winter

My friends and I like to ice-skate in winter

Слайд 9We sometimes fall out over the smallest thing, but then we

can't go to sleep until we make up. I know that I can always rely on my friends and that they will never let me down. So I love my friends

We sometimes fall out over the smallest thing, but then we can't go to sleep until we

Слайд 10Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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