Презентация, доклад на тему Проектная по английскому языку Символы Англии и России

The V – sign The French captured English archers during the 100 Years’ War, they chopped off their first and second fingers. So before battle, they enjoyed taunting the French lines by sticking two fingers up

Слайд 1Подготовили ученики
8б класса
Icons of England and Russia

Подготовили ученики 8б классаIcons of England and Russia

Слайд 2The V – sign
The French captured English archers during the 100

Years’ War, they chopped off their first and second fingers. So before battle, they enjoyed taunting the French lines by sticking two fingers up at them.

The V – sign The French captured English archers during the 100 Years’ War, they chopped off

Слайд 3As the symbol of peace, the V-sign has become universal. It

will forever remain associated with the wartime prime minister, Sir Winston Churchill. The V for Victory gesture is now understood and used worldwide.

As the symbol of peace, the V-sign has become universal. It will forever remain associated with the

Слайд 4The bobby
The image of the friendly British ‘bobby’ in a strange

looking helmet is known all over the world. In 1829, Sir Robert Peel founded new Metropolitan Police Force. The policemen were called ‘bobbies’ or ‘peelers’ after Robert Peel.
The bobby The image of the friendly British ‘bobby’ in a strange looking helmet is known all

Слайд 5The bobbies of England's county police forces are respected throughout the

world for their professionalism.

The bobbies of England's county police forces are respected throughout the world for their professionalism.

Слайд 6The black cab
These taxis are a true symbol of London. London

taxis (often called ‘black cabs’) have a very long history.
The black cab These taxis are a true symbol of London. London taxis (often called ‘black cabs’)

Слайд 7These days, black cabs don’t have to be black – many

cabs are created in different
colours and are often covered in advertising!
These days, black cabs don’t have to be black – many cabs are created in different colours

Слайд 8The red phone boxes
The red phone box became the symbol of

London a long time ago. Long before the invention of the cell phones the public phones played the main role in public communication. Great Britain is one of the first countries which made street phones for citizens.
The red phone boxes The red phone box became the symbol of London a long time ago.

Слайд 9The number of red phone boxes in Great Britain is decreasing.

But a lot of boxes continue to be used in the streets of British cities and towns for their intended purpose, and some had been renovated and taken under protection because of their popularity among British people.
The number of red phone boxes in Great Britain is decreasing. But a lot of boxes continue

Слайд 10The Beatles
The Beatles were a legendary English rock band, which was

established in 1959 in Liverpool. The group consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.
The Beatles The Beatles were a legendary English rock band, which was established in 1959 in Liverpool.

Слайд 11The Beatles had a profound influence on rock music and are

recognized by experts as one of the most successful groups of the XX century. This group has changed the lives of many people.
The Beatles had a profound influence on rock music and are recognized by experts as one of

Слайд 12The Beatles

The Beatles

Слайд 13Samovar
The Russian Samovar is used to serve Russian Tea.    The

Samovar is the most well known symbol of the Russian Tea Ceremony. Today, many people collect Samovars and they add grace to any tea party table.
Samovar The Russian Samovar is used to serve Russian Tea.    The Samovar is the most well

Слайд 14Birch tree
The birch is close to Russian people. Everyone can agree

that a birch is one of symbols of our country. Perhaps, in Russia you will not meet other such tree about which proverbs and sayings would be composed so much, songs were sung so much.
Birch treeThe birch is close to Russian people. Everyone can agree that a birch is one of

Слайд 15There are violent herbage in birch forests rises almost to the

roots of trees, even photophilous meadow grasses here often visitors.
There are violent herbage in birch forests rises almost to the roots of trees, even photophilous meadow

Слайд 16Ushanka
An ushanka is a Russian fur cap with ear flaps that can be tied up

to the crown of the cap, or fastened at the chin to protect the ears, jaw and lower chin from the cold.
Ushanka An ushanka is a Russian fur cap with ear flaps that can be tied up to the crown of the cap,

Слайд 17The standard modern ushanka with a perfectly round crown  was developed in

the 20th century. It was similar to the ushanka. The ushanka became a symbol and media icon of the Soviet Union and later the Russian Federation.
The standard modern ushanka with a perfectly round crown  was developed in the 20th century. It was similar

Слайд 18Bliny
Blini, or pancakes, are thin, flat cakes prepared from batter and

cooked on a hot frying pan - first on one side and then flipped to cook on the other side.
BlinyBlini, or pancakes, are thin, flat cakes prepared from batter and cooked on a hot frying pan

Слайд 19The origins of this traditional Russian dish, which recently celebrated its

thousandth birthday, can be traced back to ancient times. Since then blini have changed, but not dramatically – they are now made not only from oats but also wheat, rye, buckwheat and barley.

The origins of this traditional Russian dish, which recently celebrated its thousandth birthday, can be traced back

Слайд 20Thanks for your attantion!

Thanks for your  attantion!

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