Слайд 1The Role of the Internet
in Studying English
Form 6A
School No. 17
Слайд 2The relevance of the chosen topic is related to the importance
of the question of using modern technologies in mastering a foreign language.
Слайд 3The purpose of our survey was to find the most useful
and convenient Internet resources that can help us in learning English.
1. To find out what the students of the 6th grade of our school think about using the Internet for studying English (by means of polling).
2. To make a list of educational Internet sites in English and classify them.
3. To create an information booklet with the list of sites and make it easy to use.
Слайд 5The subject of the survey is studying English with the help
of the Internet,
the object is the analysis of educational programs and sites on the Internet.
Слайд 6 The Role of the Internet in Our Life
The Internet not
only entertains us, but also teaches us, helps us to find the answer to almost any question.
Слайд 7 Opportunities of the Internet
in Studying English
With the development of
the Internet, opportunities for learning English have significantly increased.
Слайд 8 We can use the Internet:
• for
independent search for information while working on the topic of the lesson;
• for independent study of the topic;
• for independent preparation for different tests.
Слайд 9 Besides, during our non-school hours
we can independently improve
knowledge in the field
of a foreign language.
Слайд 10 But do all our schoolchildren use all these possibilities of
the Internet when learning English?
Слайд 11Polling
A total of 70 people took part in the polling
the students of 6 A, 6 B and 6 V forms
of our school.
Слайд 17Classification of sites
1. Listening
2. Reading
3. Use of English (Grammar)
4. Use of
English (Vocabulary)
5. Cultural Awareness
6. Speaking
7. Writing
8. Reference Sources
1. Listening
If you want to improve your listening skills, you can visit http://lingvoelf.ru/listening-en
2. Reading
If you want to improve your reading skills, you can visit https://www.newsinlevels.com/#
3. Grammar
If you want to improve your grammar, you can visit httpshttps://https://wwwhttps://www.https://www.nativehttps://www.native-https://www.native-englishhttps://www.native-english.https://www.native-english.ruhttps://www.native-english.ru/https://www.native-english.ru/grammar
4. Vocabulary
If you want to enlarge your vocabulary, you can visit http://crazylink.ru/languages/list.php?level=2&lan=english
Слайд 22 5. Cultural Awareness
If you want
to improve your cultural awareness, you can visit http://englsecrets.ru/category/stranovedenie
6. Speaking
If you want to improve your speaking skills, you can visit https://www.mylanguageexchange.com/
7. Writing
If you want to improve your writing skills,
you can visit https://www.interpals.net/
Слайд 25 8. Reference Sources
If you need
to find something in a dictionary, you can visit http://www.multitran.ru/
Слайд 26 So using the Internet you can:
learn how to read and write correctly in English;
b) improve the skills of listening and speaking;
c) improve grammatical skills;
d) develop your vocabulary;
f) get acquainted with the cultural
knowledge, traditions of the country
of the studied language.
Слайд 27Conclusion
The Internet can really help and speed up the process of
learning a foreign language.