Презентация, доклад на тему Проект по английскому языку по теме Travelling and means of transport (5 класс)

The first question was whether they have ever travelled abroad. 11 students said «no». The vast majority of students said «yes».

Слайд 1The report is based on a survey conducted among my classmates.

In my class there are 30 students.
The report is based on a survey conducted among my classmates. In my class there are 30

Слайд 2The first question was whether they have ever travelled abroad. 11

students said «no». The vast majority of students said «yes».
The first question was whether they have ever travelled abroad. 11 students said «no». The vast majority

Слайд 3The second question was: what countries have you visited?
According to

these results we have found out that the students visited Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Ukraine, Abkhazia, France, Germany, Italy and Poland.
The second question was: what countries have you visited? According to these results we have found out

Слайд 4Top-3 most visited countries are Turkey, Egypt, Greece.

Top-3 most visited countries are Turkey, Egypt, Greece.

Слайд 5The third question was: what means of transport do you prefer?

The survey has shown that the most preferable means of transport is a plane.
The third question was: what means of transport do you prefer? The survey has shown that the

Слайд 6But some students like to travel by car or by train.

But some students like to travel by car or by train.

Слайд 7In conclusion I would like to say that 90% of students

like to travel. Besides, travelling is the most favourite hobby for them.
In conclusion I would like to say that 90% of students like to travel. Besides, travelling is

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