Презентация, доклад на тему Проект по английскому языку Одежда

Существительное clothes употребляется только во множественном числе.

Слайд 1Проект по теме «Одежда» в 6 классе
Разработала : Розуваева Лиза
«Маяковская ООШ»_филиал

МКОУ « Сетовенская СОШ»
6 класс

Проект по теме «Одежда» в 6 классеРазработала : Розуваева Лиза«Маяковская ООШ»_филиал МКОУ « Сетовенская СОШ»6 класс

Слайд 3 Существительное clothes употребляется только во множественном числе.

Существительное clothes употребляется только во множественном числе.

Слайд 4I like to wear Jeans and trainers. I don't like to wear

a dress. I’d like to wear shorts.
I like to wear Jeans and trainers. I don't like to wear a dress. I’d like to

Слайд 5I often wear a top or a T-shirt. I sometimes wear a

blouse. I never wear a coat .
I often wear a top or a T-shirt. I sometimes wear a blouse. I never wear a

Слайд 7

I think that there should be formal clothes at school: both boys and girls should wear the school form. It seems to me the boys should wear the dark-blue trousers, a jacket and a white shirt. They should wear dark shoes.
And girls will look very attractively in blue skirts and waistcoats. The light blouses are very beautiful, especially blue and white tones. The girls might put on golfs and light stockings. I think that this suit is the most suitable for school.
When you look well and other people like you, you study better.
So it seems to me.

Слайд 8

Do you like to have fun? And how often do you take part in the parties? And what do you put on?
I think that the best party clothes are the clothes which make you feel well and free. The best variant, in my opinion, is the clothes which you can put on only in especial cases.
And the celebratory clothes depend on especial case. Sometimes the best clothes are topic and a short skirt. But sometimes you should put on a carnival suit and a mask. You will look perfectly if you pick up your best dress or suit.

Слайд 9

Today many people in the world pay more attention to the physical health and good appearance. So many people are interested in a lot of sports. Football and basketball, billiards and ski, track, athletics and gymnastics help to look better.
Sportswear is important in a sports training. People wear training suits and trainers, T-shirts and shorts. Some people need the suits, and others need bathing suits and helmets.
I think that sportswear should be bright, beautiful and suitable for different kinds of sports. The person should be convenient and cozy in it.

Слайд 10

What do you wear if you are not at school and do not go in for sports? It is important question! And what do you like most of all? What clothes are traditional in your country?
I think, that the person most of all accepts such clothes in which he feels like freely. Today a lot of people in the world wear informal clothes. And if you want to go to the theatre or to the cinema you will be able to put on your favourite things. Suits, skirts, blouses, trousers, sweaters, topics and shorts are suitable for free time activities. The colors are various: from bright and playful to quiet and even dark.
If your clothes are tidy and beautiful, you’ll be able to feel confidently always and everywhere.

Слайд 11
Thank you.

Thank you.

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