Презентация, доклад на тему Проект по английскому языку New York

NEW YORK1)The main symbol2)Niagara falls3)Grand Conyuon4)The iconic

Слайд 1Пущаева маргарита ученица 7 класса МКОУ БСОШ №4
Учитель: Женспаева Ляйсан

Пущаева маргарита ученица 7 класса   МКОУ БСОШ №4Учитель: Женспаева Ляйсан Курбангалиевна

1)The main symbol
2)Niagara falls
3)Grand Conyuon
4)The iconic

NEW YORK1)The main symbol2)Niagara falls3)Grand Conyuon4)The iconic

Слайд 3The main symbol of new York and the entire United States

is raised on a small island 3 miles from Manhattan, the famous Statue of Liberty
The main symbol of new York and the entire United States is raised on a small island

Слайд 4Niagara falls is fortunate to be situated on the border of

the largest American States — the USA and Canada, which, of course, contributed to the transformation of Niagara's most famous waterfall, which annually attracts crowds of tourists. water (and more about 5,700 m3/s).
Niagara falls is fortunate to be situated on the border of the largest American States — the

Слайд 5The Grand Canyon is probably the most famous natural attraction of

the country — the legendary Grand Canyon of the Colorado river, which reaches the length of 446 kilometers and the depth is 1600 meters.
The Grand Canyon is probably the most famous natural attraction of the country — the legendary Grand

Слайд 6The iconic and one of the symbols of America, for 40

years bore the title of highest construction on the planet. 102-story giant is located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street, reaches a height of 381 meters, and with the antenna — 443,2 meters
The iconic and one of the symbols of America, for 40 years bore the title of highest

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