Презентация, доклад на тему Проект Our School in the Great Patriotic War

The 9-th of May. Victory Day. This year we celebrate the 70-th anniversary of this great event.


The authors of the

project: students of school №1, Kirsanov
Volkova Alevtina
Dyomina Olga
Kozlova Kseniya
Kuzheleva Anna

A Tutor : the teacher of English, School №1, Kirsanov
Kuzheleva V.V.
“OUR SCHOOL IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR”The authors of the project: students of school №1, Kirsanov

Слайд 3The 9-th of May. Victory Day. This year we celebrate the

70-th anniversary of this great event.

The 9-th of May.  Victory Day.   This year we celebrate the 70-th anniversary of

Слайд 5This is the day when we thank war veterans of the

Great Patriotic War for their Victory over fascism in 1941-1945. This is the day when we recall more than 26 million Soviet soldiers who gave their lives for the sake of freedom of our Motherland.

This is the day when we thank war veterans of the Great Patriotic War for their Victory

Слайд 7June, 22, 1941 At 4 a.m. the Great Patriotic War began. This

date divided the life of our country and its people into BEFORE and AFTER.

Thousands of men, women, young and old, went to the front to struggle for the independence of our country.

June, 22, 1941 At 4 a.m. the Great Patriotic War began. This date divided the life of

Слайд 8Among them there were a lot of teachers and students of

our school. Almost all school-leavers of 1941 went to the front…

Among them there were a lot of teachers and students of our school. Almost all school-leavers of

Слайд 14And more than a half didn’t come back to our native

Kirsanov. Here are some of them:
And more than a half didn’t come back to our native Kirsanov.   Here are some

Слайд 15Valentin Aksyonov
In 1941 he went to the front. In

January1942 his parents received a notice that their son had been reported missing.
Valentin Aksyonov  In 1941 he went to the front. In January1942 his parents received a notice

Слайд 16Igor Annenkov
Igor Annenkov was killed on the

24-th of October 1944 in Poland. Before his heroic death he had written in the letter to his mother: ”Dear Mummy, I’ll come back to you as a hero or won’t return at all”.
Igor  Annenkov   Igor Annenkov was killed on the 24-th of October 1944 in Poland.

Слайд 17Alexander Dudin
After finishing school in 1941 and being a

very good sportsman, he was admitted to Leningrad Navigation School. He is buried in cold waters of Ladoga on the 17-th of September 1941.
Alexander Dudin  After finishing school in 1941 and being a very good sportsman, he was admitted

Слайд 18Evgeny Dudin
Evgeny Dudin perished in 1944. After his death

his medal “For the defence of Leningrad” was given to his mother.
Evgeny Dudin  Evgeny Dudin perished in 1944. After his death his medal “For the defence of

Слайд 19Evgeny Zhdanov
Evgeny Zhdanov was born in 1921. He

was killed trying to cover a retreat of his battalion. It was on the 4-th of March 1942. He wasn’t yet 19 years old.
Evgeny Zhdanov   Evgeny Zhdanov was born in 1921. He was killed trying to cover a

Слайд 20Vladimir Zhutaev
Vladimir Zhutaev was born in 1923. After finishing

school he and his friend Igor Annenkov entered an aviation school. Vladimir was killed during the flight in 1943 when he was only 20.
Vladimir Zhutaev  Vladimir Zhutaev was born in 1923. After finishing school he and his friend Igor

Слайд 21Vasily Zabozlaev
Vasily Zabozlaev perished defending Moscow in 1941.

Vasily  ZabozlaevVasily Zabozlaev perished defending Moscow in 1941.

Слайд 22Konstantin Nefyodov
Konstantin Nefyodov was born in 1925. After finishing school

he went to the front as a volunteer. He was killed defending Leningrad in 1942.
Konstantin Nefyodov Konstantin Nefyodov was born in 1925. After finishing school he went to the front as

Слайд 23Boris Suvorov
Boris Suvorov was born in 1921. He

studied at school №2. After finishing school in 1940 he worked as a Young Pioneer Leader at school № 1. He went to the front in 1941. In 1945 he was reported missing.
Boris Suvorov   Boris Suvorov was born in 1921. He studied at school №2. After finishing

Слайд 24Vasily Fyodorovich Pershin

Vasily Fyodorovich Pershin was a teacher of physics

and mathematics of our school. He was a company commander. He was killed during the advancement of his battalion, liberating the town Kholm. It was on the 20-th of January 1942.
Vasily Fyodorovich Pershin Vasily Fyodorovich Pershin was a teacher of physics and mathematics of our school. He

Слайд 25Ivan Alekseevich Sharapov
Ivan Alekseevich Sharapov is a

former director of studies and a history teacher of school №1. He was a political instructor in an infantry company. He fell in the battle on the 19-th of June 1942 at the Leningrad front.
Ivan Alekseevich Sharapov    Ivan Alekseevich Sharapov is a former director of studies and a

Слайд 26There are a lot of other names in this mournful list… The

students of our school honour and remember them all. In 1957 it was decided to put up a monument to the students and teachers of school № 1 who fell in the battles of the Great Patriotic War.

There are a lot of other names in this mournful list… The students of our school honour

Слайд 28It was opened on the 9-th of May 1958 in the

school garden.
It was opened on the 9-th of May 1958  in the school garden.

Слайд 29In 1987 a new school № 1 was built in our

town and the monument was carefully replaced.
In 1987 a new school № 1 was built in our town and the monument was carefully

Слайд 30 Now it is situated near the school entrance.

Now it is situated near the school entrance.

Слайд 31The inscription on the monument reads: “Glory to the teachers and

students of our school who fell in the battles for our Motherland in 1941-1945”.

The inscription on the monument reads:  “Glory to the teachers and students of our school who

Слайд 32In Russia almost all the families have at least one person

who took part in the Great Patriotic War. The number of survivors is getting less every day…
In Russia almost all the families have at least one person who took part in the Great

Слайд 33We must do everything possible to help war veterans . We

must always remember the names of those who didn’t come back from the battle fields!

We must do everything possible to help war veterans . We must always remember the names of

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