Презентация, доклад на тему Проект на тему:The place I was born. Djankoy cronicle

The urgency of the present research The basic step in providing child to love his country should be regarded as the accumulation of social experience of life in his village and region, the absorption

Слайд 1The Place I was Born
“The Chronicle of Djankoy “

Auther :Djaparova Meryem
Form : 8-A
The Place I was Born “The Chronicle of Djankoy “

Слайд 2The urgency of the present research
The basic step

in providing child to love his country should be regarded as the accumulation of social experience of life in his village and region, the absorption of the accepted norms of behavior, relationships, introduction with the world of culture. It is important to develop in children the feeling of love to the natural and cultural values ​​of their native land, as it was on this basis to bring up patriotism. Our contemporary
Academician Likhachev said: "Education of love for their land, to their own culture, to his native city, to the native language - a task of first importance, and there is no need to prove it. But how to bring this love? It starts from you - with the love of your family, to your house.”
The urgency of the present research   The basic step in providing child to love his

Слайд 3Aims of the project
A holistic approach in developing systematic knowledges of

the history and culture of Djankoy and its villages.
To foster a sense of love for their village, and place where they were born.
Aims of the projectA holistic approach in developing systematic knowledges of the history and culture of Djankoy

Слайд 4In this research the following tasks should be solved:
Create conditions for

the perception of information about the historical and cultural character of our native land.
Fill up the knowledge of pupils about the city and villages
Give children the knowledge of the villages of Djankoy: history, symbols, landmarks, industrial facilities.
Educate children to love and respect there native villages.

In this research the following tasks should be solved:Create conditions for the perception of information about the

Слайд 5Dzhankoi (Crimean Tatar Canköy, Dzhankoi) - a town in the north

of Crimea.
Djankoy district consist of 28th of main villages

Often the name Dzhankoy translated from the Crimean Tatar as "soul-village" or "Pretty Village» (can - soul, köy - village). At the same time, experts in toponymy of Crimea is considered more reasonable etymology that displays the name "Dzhankoy" from cañı köy - «new village" on the steppe Crimean Tatar language dialect

Dzhankoi (Crimean Tatar Canköy, Dzhankoi) - a town in the north of Crimea. Djankoy district consist of

Слайд 6 Azovskoe (until 1944 Kolay, Kalay, Ru. Azovskoe Crimean Tatar Qalay, Kalay) It

is located 20 km south-east of the regional center Dzhankoi. The historical name of the village means Kalai translated from the Crimean Tatar language "tin". Kalay was founded, according to available sources, after the construction of the railroad to Feodosia in 1892. There is a winery, the company "Azovets" (wood and textile products) ,elevator of “Pole-Port“in Azovskoe function in. The village also has monuments to soldiers and soldiers-liberators, who were died during the Second World War.

Monument to the fallen soldiers in the Azovskoe . 1972

The Cinema of The Azovskoe village

Azovskoe (until 1944 Kolay, Kalay, Ru. Azovskoe Crimean Tatar Qalay, Kalay) It is located 20

Слайд 7Kondratyevo (until 1948 Aksyuru-Konrat Crimean Tatar Aqsürü Qoñrat, Syuryu Konyrat Ak)

- a village of the Dzhankoy district Republic of Crimea. The name of the village was translated as “The White herd of sheep” There is a monument dedicated to the soldiers from this village. Aksyuru-Konrat was renamed into the Kondratyevo in 1948.
Kondratyevo (until 1948 Aksyuru-Konrat Crimean Tatar Aqsürü Qoñrat, Syuryu Konyrat Ak) - a village of the Dzhankoy

Слайд 8Lobanovo (until 1945 Bogemka, until 1861 Dzhadra; Crimean Tatar Dzhadra, Dzhadra)

- a village of the Dzhankoy district Republic of Crimea. There is a railway stsaion “Bogemka ” on the territory of the village. The village was founded by immigrants from the north Czech Republic. They named themselves as Bogemzzi.
Lobanovo (until 1945 Bogemka, until 1861 Dzhadra; Crimean Tatar Dzhadra, Dzhadra) - a village of the Dzhankoy

Слайд 9Volnoe (until 1945 Frayleben; Crimean Tatar Frayleben, Frayleben) -  a village

in the area of Dzhankoy Republic of Crimea. In the The twentieth century the village was founded by the Jewry and was named the village Frayleben (in Yiddish "free life"), whose people were engaged in agriculture. Later, there was organized the farm "Frayleben."There was built airfield In the village, which received its first aircrafts in May 1940. In the village was erected a monument to the soldiers, airmen and busts of pilots Regiment - Heroes of the Soviet Union, a memorial - a Soviet jet bomber.

School museum

Volnoe (until 1945 Frayleben; Crimean Tatar Frayleben, Frayleben) -  a village in the area of Dzhankoy Republic

Слайд 10Mayskoe (before 1945 Mayfeld, until 1929 Haklay; Crimean Tatar Mayskoe) -

a village of the Dzhankoy district Republic of Crimea. In 1923, the immigrants , mostly Jews founded village “Haklay ”. In the Hebrew language means “farmer ”. In 1929 the village was renamed into “Mayfeld” (translated from the Yiddish - "May Field") . There was one of the reachest collective farms “Russia”

The collective farm “Russia”

Mayskoe (before 1945 Mayfeld, until 1929 Haklay; Crimean Tatar Mayskoe) - a village of the Dzhankoy district

Слайд 11Pobednoe (until 1945 Tarhanlar; Crimean Tatar Tarhanlar, Tarhandar), a village of

the Dzhankoy district Republic of Crimea. German settlements named village as Hoffnung Feld.In 1945 Village Tarhanlar was renamed into Pobednoe. Pobednoe is one of the developed villages in Dzhankoy district .

School of Pobednoe

Memorial of the soldiers - villagers

Pobednoe (until 1945 Tarhanlar; Crimean Tatar Tarhanlar, Tarhandar), a village of the Dzhankoy district Republic of Crimea.

Слайд 12Tselinnoe (formerly known as Kirk-Chipche; Crimean Tatar Qırq Çipçe, Kyrk Chipche).

A village of the Dzhankoy district Republic of Crimea.. Earlier village was named as Chipche, then Kirk-Chipche (translated from Crimean Tatar “40 chickens”). It was belonged to the landowner Bader. In 1985 there was opened a monument to tankmen.
Tselinnoe (formerly known as Kirk-Chipche; Crimean Tatar Qırq Çipçe, Kyrk Chipche). A village of the Dzhankoy district

Слайд 13Stalnoe (until 1945 Baryn; Crimean Tatar Barın, Baryn). Stalnoe is a

village in the central part of the area in the steppe Crimea, on the right bank of the River Stalnaya. According to the census of 1965 , Barin listed as Crimean Tatar village. Then it was divided into three parts: German Barin, Crimean Tatar Barin and Armenian. In 1944 Village Barin was registrated as German one.
Stalnoe (until 1945 Baryn; Crimean Tatar Barın, Baryn). Stalnoe is a village in the central part of

Слайд 14Roskoshnoe (until 1948 Seit-Bulat New; Crimean Tatar Seyit Bolat, Seit Bolat).

A village in the south-west of the district, in the Crimean steppe. In 1810 in , when first Geman immigrants appeared in the Crimea, natives began call the village Valterovka in honour of Valter lutz .

School of Roskoshnoe

Roskoshnoe (until 1948 Seit-Bulat New; Crimean Tatar Seyit Bolat, Seit Bolat). A village in the south-west of

Слайд 15Prostornoe (until 1948 Shirin , Crimean Tatar Yañı Şirin, Yany Shirin

). A village of the Dzhankoy district Republic of The Crimea. According to the documents of 1865 , Shirin was Crimean Tatar setllment. , but some documets says Shirin was founded by Geman pepople. The native of this village I.K. Yazzupenko awarded the rank Hero of the Soviet Union

The old Сultural Centre

Prostornoe (until 1948 Shirin , Crimean Tatar Yañı Şirin, Yany Shirin ). A village of the Dzhankoy

Слайд 16Yermakovo is a village in Dzhankoy region of the Crimea, is

located 25 kilometers north of the city Dzhankoi near the highway Kharkov - Simferopol. There are permanently 930 people In the village .For the first time the village Totay (Yermakovo) was mentioned in "the description of Crimea" in 1784 . The modern name Ermakovo was given in 1948 On the territory of the village are also Yermakovo kindergarten, a cultural center, sports hall, two stores, a hospital, a library.


Yermakovo is a village in Dzhankoy region of the Crimea, is located 25 kilometers north of the

Слайд 17Zavet- Leninskiy (until 1948 Kucuk-alkali; Crimean Tatar Küçük Alqalı, Kucuk Alkaly)

– a village in the center of Dzhankoy region of Crimea. Population - 2567 people.
The village is situated in the north of the Crimea, on the left bank of the shallow hollow ALKALY. There was established the monument dedicated to Lenin. There were founded kurgans of the Bronze Age.
Zavet- Leninskiy (until 1948 Kucuk-alkali; Crimean Tatar Küçük Alqalı, Kucuk Alkaly) – a village in the center

Слайд 18Zarechnoe (until 1945 Kamadzhi, Crimean Tatar Qamacı, Kamadzhy) – a village

in the Dzhankoy district of Crimea. Zarechnoe –is in the heart of the district, in the steppe Crimea, on the right bank of the river Pobeda .
There were founded remains of the ancient Greek city Porfmiya.

Kamadzi 1993

Zarechnoe (until 1945 Kamadzhi, Crimean Tatar Qamacı, Kamadzhy) – a village in the Dzhankoy district of Crimea.

Слайд 19Krymka (until 1948 - Sultan bochala ; Crimean Tatar ) -

a village of the Dzhankoy district. Located in the west of the district, 16 kilometers from the district center, there the nearest railway station. In 1945 village was renamed into Krymka. There is a cultural center, post office, medical centers, high school On the territory of the village .
Krymka (until 1948 - Sultan bochala ; Crimean Tatar ) - a village of the Dzhankoy district.

Слайд 20Luganskoe (until 1948 “District № 28 Crimean Tatar Luganskiy, Lugansk)

- a village of the Dzhankoy district Republic of Crimea. Luganskoe was founded by Jewish immigrants in the 20th century and was listed in the documents as the “District № 28” In 1982 There started building of the first house.
Luganskoe (until 1948  “District № 28 Crimean Tatar Luganskiy, Lugansk) - a village of the Dzhankoy

Слайд 21Maslovo (until 1948 Tensu , Crimean Tatar Ten su). The village

is in the central part of the district in the steppe Crimea, in one of the beams flowing into Siwash. In 1948 village was renamed into “Maslovo”. The history says were two brothers and they divided the village into two parts .There is a school, post office , recreation center in the village.

Ruined summer cinema

Maslovo (until 1948 Tensu , Crimean Tatar Ten su). The village is in the central part of

Слайд 22Medvedevka (until 1945 AUZ-Kirk, Crimean Tatar . Yavuz Qırq, Yavuz Kyrk).

A village of the Dzhankoy district Republic of Crimea. The village is known from 16th century. Auz Kirk in crimean tatar language means “40 mouthes ”. There is a monument dedicated to Lenin.

The monument to the decedent soldiers

The monument “silver soldier ”

Medvedevka (until 1945 AUZ-Kirk, Crimean Tatar . Yavuz Qırq, Yavuz Kyrk). A village of the Dzhankoy district

Слайд 23Novokrymskoe (until 1945 Borlakov-Tama; Crimean Tatar .Borlaq Tama, Toma Borlak). A

village of the Dzhankoy district Republic of Crimea. The village is known from 16th century. Toma Borlak in crimean tatar language means “lime reserves ”.There is a monument dedicated to soldiers fellow-villagers. In 1945 Borlak Toma was renamed into Novokrimskoe.

The monument of Lenin

Novokrymskoe (until 1945 Borlakov-Tama; Crimean Tatar .Borlaq Tama, Toma Borlak). A village of the Dzhankoy district Republic

Слайд 24Roshino (Crimean Tatar Roşçino, Roshino) , a village of the Dzhankoy district

Republic of Crimea.. The village was founded in 1958. Roshino was developed agricultural center . Population of the village were mostly Geman.They engaged  in  farming .There were many factories and plants.

The Railwaystation of Roshino

Roshino (Crimean Tatar Roşçino, Roshino) , a village of the Dzhankoy district Republic of Crimea.. The village was

Слайд 25Yarkoe Pole ( Crimean Tatar Yarkoe pole). A village is in

the south of the district in the Crimean steppe. Yarkoe Pole was founded by settlements from the village Novopavlovka. There was built the hugest dairy factory in the Crimea.

School of Yarkoe Pole

Yarkoe Pole ( Crimean Tatar Yarkoe pole). A village is in the south of the district in

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