Презентация, доклад на тему Призентация на тему Время.Часы.Минуты


Слайд 1 ГБОУ СОШ «Центр образования» г. Чапаевка
“What’s the time?”
Подготовила: учитель

английского языка Кузнецова Анна Михайловна
ГБОУ СОШ «Центр образования» г. Чапаевка     “What’s the time?” BIG BEN Подготовила:



Слайд 3 Tick- tock,         Tick- tock, This is Big Ben.         Big Ben is a

clock. Day and night         With all its might Big Ben, the clock,         Says: Tick- tock.  

Tick- tock,         Tick- tock, This is Big Ben.         Big Ben is a clock.

Слайд 4Комплекс Вестминстерского дворца

Комплекс Вестминстерского дворца

Слайд 5Big Ben, designed by Edmund Beckett Denison and sometimes referred to

as the Clock Tower, is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.
Here are a few interesting facts about the Clock Tower:
Big Ben was built to replace the Old Palace of Westminster, after it was destroyed by fire in October 1834.
The clock became operational on 7thSeptember 1859.
Big Ben was designed by Charles Barry.
The bell of 'Big Ben' weighs 14.5 tonnes. It is the huge size of the bell that inspired Benjamin Hall to give it the name of Big Ben.
The bell of Clock Tower did not stop working even during World War 2
Big Ben was built to replace the Old Palace of Westminster, after it was destroyed by fire in October 1834.
The clock became operational on 7thSeptember 1859.
Big Ben was designed by Charles Barry.
The clock and its dials were designed by Augustus Pugin.
The first 61 meters of Clock Tower are made up of brickwork and stone cladding and the remainder of tower is made from cast iron.
The Tower leans slightly towards northwest, by 8.66 inches.
The bell of 'Big Ben' weighs 14.5 tonnes. It is the huge size of the bell that inspired Benjamin Hall to give it the name of Big Ben.
The bell of Clock Tower did not stop working even during World War 2
The tower is sited on a 15-metre square raft, made of 3-metre thick concrete, at 4 meters below ground level.
The four faces of the clock are 55 meters above ground. The interior volume of the tower is 4,650 cubic meters
At the base of each clock face is a Latin inscription, in gilt letters. It reads - DOMINE SALVAM FAC REGINAM NOSTRAM VICTORIAM PRIMAM, which means "O Lord, keep safe our Queen Victoria the First".
Clock Tower is the focus of New Year celebrations in the United Kingdom, with radio and TV stations tuning to its chimes to welcome the start of the year.
On Remembrance Day, the chimes of Big Ben are broadcast to mark the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
ITN's "News at Ten" opening sequence features an image of the Clock Tower, with the sound of clock's chimes punctuating the announcement of the news headlines. It has done so, on and off, for the last 41 years.
When Ayrton light (a small light at the top of the Clock Tower) is lit, it indicates that either the House of Commons or the House of Lords is sitting.
Turret clocks seen around the world have been inspired by the look of the Great Clock of Big Ben.

Big Ben, designed by Edmund Beckett Denison and sometimes referred to as the Clock Tower, is one of

Слайд 6Биг-Бен – это здание и часы с колоколом

Биг-Бен – это здание и часы с колоколом

Слайд 7«Часовая башня Вестминстерского дворца», также её называют «Башней Св. Стефана»

«Часовая башня Вестминстерского дворца», также её называют «Башней Св. Стефана»

Слайд 8Диаметр циферблата - 7 метров, длина стрелок - 2,7 и 4,2

метра. Часы долгое время считались самыми большими в мире.
Диаметр циферблата - 7 метров, длина стрелок - 2,7 и 4,2 метра. Часы долгое время считались самыми

Слайд 9Биг-Бен стал одним из самых узнаваемых символов Великобритании

Биг-Бен стал одним из самых узнаваемых символов Великобритании

Слайд 11What time is it? (Сколько времени?)
Do you have the time? (Время

/ часы есть?)
Could you please tell me the time? (Время не подскажете?)
At what time? (Когда, во сколько?)




Quarter ¼

What time is it? (Сколько времени?)Do you have the time? (Время / часы есть?)Could you please tell

Слайд 12play football

play football

Слайд 13make a cake

make a cake

Слайд 14go shopping

go shopping

Слайд 15play hockey

play hockey

Слайд 16have a bath

have a bath

Слайд 17water the flowers

water the flowers

Слайд 18go for a walk

go for a walk

Слайд 19eat sandwiches

eat sandwiches

Слайд 20wash the car

wash the car

Слайд 21drive a car

drive a car

Слайд 22fly a plane

fly a plane

Слайд 25Our lesson is coming to the end. Now it is the

time to raise the cards. Red, blue or green?
Our lesson is coming to the end. Now it is the time to raise the cards. Red,



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