Презентация, доклад на тему Презентація з англійської мови на тему Professions

The motto is:“Two heads are better than one, six are better than two”

Слайд 1The World of Professions

The World of Professions

Слайд 2 The motto is:
“Two heads are better than one,

six are better than two”

The motto is:“Two heads are better than one, six are better than two”

Слайд 3 The Objectives of the lesson :
Practical: -

to practice active use of the vocabulary by pupils - to develop listening for specific information, - to develop reading for detailed understanding - to develop writing skills ( Wordformation; Present Continuous \Present Perfect Continuous ) - to develop speaking skills; - to practice project work Educational: - to get pupils involved in discussion the variety of the professions - to develop students outlook Developing: - to develop students’ abilities to read and to analyze facts and information

The Objectives of the lesson :      Practical: - to practice active

Слайд 4Pre-Listening: new words
to retire
to fire
part-time job
to be dissatisfied with

Pre-Listening: new wordsto retireretirementto firepart-time jobto be dissatisfied withunemployed

Слайд 5Pre-Listening Match the situations 1-6 with the phrases a-f
1. job

2. a new job
3. workers feeling dissatisfied
4. asking for a pay rise
5. getting fired
6. retirement

a. low wages , go in strike
b. unemployed , on the dole
c. pension , part- time job
d. previous experience , CV
e. starting salary , benefits
f. doing my job well \
improved qualifications

Pre-Listening Match the situations 1-6 with the phrases a-f 1. job interview 2. a new job 3.

Слайд 6While- Listening Match the speakers 1-5 to the statements A-F There

is one extra statement that you do not need to use

A . Someone is going to retire soon .
B. The boss is threatening to fire someone .
C. Employees are protesting against unfair treatment at work .
D. Someone is trying to get a job with an airline .
E. Someone is trying to get a pay rise .
F. Someone is explaining to new employees how good their job is .

While- Listening Match the speakers 1-5 to the  statements A-F There is one extra statement that

Слайд 7 Post-Listening
Listen to dialogue 5 again and write

down the names of all the jobs the man has done ( six ! ) .
Post-ListeningListen to dialogue 5 again and write down the names of all the

Слайд 8Complete the crossword to find out what all the jobs have

in common

1. He / She looks after you if you are ill in hospital.
2. You needs him if the taps are leaking.
3. He / She can cure you when you’re ill.
4. You need him/her if your dog is ill
5. He serves you in a restaurant.
6. You need him if your car isn’t working well.
7. He / She can advise you on legal matters.
8. You need him/her if you want your hair cut.

Complete the crossword to find out what all the jobs have in common  1. He /

Слайд 9 READING:
A. A bit of everything.

Capital Job.
C. Entertain us.
D. For artistic people.
E. Get people to help.
F. Mummy Wanted.
G. Strawberry fields.
H. Work in sale.
READING:A. A bit of everything.B. Capital Job.C. Entertain us.D. For artistic

Слайд 10 Post- Reading:
Complete the definitions with highlighted words from

the text. Change the form of the word when necessary
A ____ is another word for a job or position.
A ____ is a job that is available &people can apply for it.
_____ is time that you spend working in your job in addition to your normal working hours.
A _____ is a previous employer’s opinion of a candidate for a job.
A _____is one of the periods ( usually day\ night ) into which a day’s work is divided in a hospital or factory.
_____ are small jobs of various kinds.

Post- Reading:Complete the definitions with highlighted words from the text. Change the form of

Слайд 11Grammar Time: Wordformation Complete the sentences by adding the suffixes: -ant \

-er \ -or \ -ian \-ist to the words in bold to make names of jobs.

A person who directs films is a___________.
A person who repairs electrical devices/things is an___.
A person who works in a library is a_______.
A person who plays music is a________.
A person who works in politics is a________.
A person who programs computers is a_______.
A person who delivers the post is a______.
A person who has studied psychology is a________.
A person who takes photographs is a ____________.
A person who works in the field of science is a_______.

Grammar Time: Wordformation Complete the sentences by adding the suffixes:  -ant \ -er \ -or \

Слайд 12Check the answers
A director
An electrician
A librarian
A musician
A politician
A programmer
A post

man/( woman)
A psychologist
A photographer
A scientist

Check the answersA director An electricianA librarianA musicianA politicianA programmerA post man/( woman)A psychologistA photographerA scientist

Слайд 13Grammar Time: Fill in the gaps with the correct Present Continuous and

Present Perfect Continuous forms:

M r. S m i t h. So tell me a little bit about yourself, Mr. Harris. I would like to find out a little bit more about your background.
M r. H a r r i s. I (1) … (work) in the insurance industry for over ten years.
M r. S m i t h. Tell me a little about your hobbies and interests.
M r. H a r r i s. In my spare time, I hike in the mountains outside of
town and play tennis. In fact, I (2) … (compete) in a tennis tournament this weekend.
M r. S m i t h. Really, how long (3) … (you, play) tennis?
M r. H a r r i s. I (4) … (play) since high school. I love the sport.
M r. S m i t h. Great!. Just one more thing, we (5) … (look) for somebody who is fluent in Spanish; many of our clients are from Mexico.
M r. H a r r i s. No problem. I (6) … (study) Spanish since elementary school.
M r. S m i t h. Sounds like you are the perfect candidate.

Grammar Time: Fill in the gaps with the correct Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous forms:M r.

Слайд 14Keys: Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous forms:
1 have been

am competing
have you been playing
have been playing
are looking
have been studying
Keys: Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous forms:1  have been workingam competinghave you been playing have

1) If you had an evening off,

what would you rather do?
A)Go to a party.
B)Stay home and surf the Internet.
C)Spend time enjoying your favourite hobby.
D)o to a movie.
2) Which section of a newspaper do you turn to first?
A)Advice column or letters to the editor.
3)What would you prefer to do at a party?
A)Greet people at the door.
B)Join in a discussion of current events.
C)Make hors d'oeuvres.

QUIZ: WHAT'S YOUR DREAM CAREER? 1) If you had an evening off, what would you rather do?A)Go

4)Which book would you rather receive as

a gift?
A)Chicken Soup for the Soul.
B)A Brief History of Time.
C)How Things Work.
D)An art book for your coffee table.

5)What would you rather do in your spare time?
A)Catch up with friends over coffee.
B)Organise your closets.
C)Garden or do home renovations.
D)Write poetry.

QUIZ: WHAT'S YOUR DREAM CAREER? 4)Which book would you rather receive as a gift?A)Chicken Soup for the

6)You're at a social event. Who would

you rather join?
A)A large group that is laughing a lot.
B)A small group having a lively discussion.
C)Several people playing a game such as pool or darts.
D)An individual who looks like an interesting person.

7)Which of the following would your friends say best describes you?
A)A people person.

QUIZ: WHAT'S YOUR DREAM CAREER? 6)You're at a social event. Who would you rather join?A)A large group

Слайд 18The result:
If you answered mostly A's, your ideal career probably involves

working with people. These careers may involve: mentoring, negotiating, instructing, consulting, supervising, persuading, speaking, serving, or assisting. Possible career choices include: teacher, human resources, flight attendant, life coach, daycare worker, personal assistant.
If you answered mostly B's, your ideal career probably involves working with information. These careers may include tasks such as synthesizing, coordinating, analysing, compiling, computing, copying, orcomparing. Possiblecareerchoicesinclude: library assistant, editor, webdeveloper, professional organiser, accountant, private investigator.
if you answered mostly C's, your ideal career probably involves working with things. Tasks you might do in these careers include setting up, precision working, controlling, driving, operating, tending, feeding, or handling. Possible career choices include: chef, cake decorator, repair person, carpenter, antiques dealer, dog trainer, and mechanic.
If you answered mostly D's, your ideal career is probably creative. Possible career choices include: writer, photographer, singer, interior decorator, graphic artist, fashion designer.
Of course there are many more careers to choose from, but knowing your preferred type can help you narrow down the choices.

The result: If you answered mostly A's, your ideal career probably involves working with people. These careers

Слайд 19How do you anderstand the words?
“I like work: it fascinates me.

I can sit and look at it for hours”
Jerome R. Jerome
British Humorous Writer, 1859-1927

How do you anderstand the words?“I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at

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