Презентация, доклад ravelling to Washington for pupils

Washington, the capital of the USA, is situated on the Potomac river in the district of Columbia!

Слайд 1Washington DC
Выполнила: Филева Ю.С.

Washington DCВыполнила: Филева Ю.С.

Слайд 2Washington, the capital of the USA, is situated on the Potomac

river in the district of Columbia!
Washington, the capital of the USA, is situated on the Potomac river in the district of Columbia!

Слайд 3The Capitol is in the centre of the city. It was

made of stone and marble and contains 540 rooms. It is situated on the Capitol Hill.
The Capitol is in the centre of the city. It was made of stone and marble and

Слайд 4Not far from the Capitol is the Washington Monument, which looks

like a very big pencil.
Not far from the Capitol is the Washington Monument, which looks like a very big pencil.

Слайд 5On the other bank of the Potomac lies the Arlington National

Cemetery where President Kennedy was buried.

Arlington House was the home of Robert E. Lee and his family and is preserved as a memorial to this important historic figure who helped restore America after the Civil War. About 200 acres of the land that occupies Arlington National Cemetery was originally the property of the Lee family. Arlington House sits atop a hill, providing one of the best views of Washington, DC.

On the other bank of the Potomac lies the Arlington National Cemetery where President Kennedy was buried.Arlington

Слайд 6White House has the most famous address in the USA –

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
White House has the most famous address in the USA – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Слайд 7Good Bye! See you in Washington!

Good Bye! See you in Washington!

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