Презентация, доклад защита проекта по теме Санкт-Петербург

The Saint-PetersburgThe beautiful city of Saint Petersburg is built on water, which give a magical romantic atmosphere. Poets and writers often call it “The Northern Venice’’. In May,1703 tsar Peter 1 Founded a fortress on a

Слайд 1Saint-Petersburg


Слайд 2The Saint-Petersburg
The beautiful city of Saint Petersburg is built on water,

which give a magical romantic atmosphere. Poets and writers often call it “The Northern Venice’’. In May,1703 tsar Peter 1 Founded a fortress on a small island called Zayachy. The fortress was named after Saint Peter and it gave its name to the future Northern capital of Russia. St. Petersburg displays a remarkable richness of architecture. Many famous European and Russian masters did their best while constructing the city. Palaces, cathedrals, buildings of rare beauty rose along straight avenues and streets, squares and parks.
The Saint-PetersburgThe beautiful city of Saint Petersburg is built on water, which give a magical romantic atmosphere.

Слайд 3Peter and Paul Fortress

Peter and Paul Fortress

Слайд 4The Bronze Horseman

The Bronze Horseman

Слайд 5Kunstkammer


Слайд 6The Summer Garden

The Summer Garden

Слайд 7The Winter Palace

The Winter Palace

Слайд 8St. Isaac's Cathedral

St. Isaac's Cathedral

Слайд 9Church of the Savior on Blood

Church of the Savior on Blood

Слайд 10 The Russian Museum

The Russian Museum

Слайд 11Botanic Garden of Peter the Great

Botanic Garden of Peter the Great

Слайд 12Thanks for Watching. See you in Saint-Petersburg.

Thanks for Watching. See you in Saint-Petersburg.

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