Слайд 1Коммуникативный подход в обучении грамматике
Из опыта работы
Черноноговой Анны Валентиновны
Слайд 2Как часто ученики узнав что будут изучать грамматику впадали в уныние.
Дело в том, что многие годы изучение грамматики в школе велось по принципу монотонного выполнения однообразных упражнений, многократного их повторения, что быстро утомляло, но так и не приносило каких-либо удовлетворительных результатов ни ученикам, ни учителю. Даже наоборот – часто вызывало чувство отторжения и потерю интереса к занятиям. Так можно ли сделать процесс овладения грамматической стороной речи интересным, продуктивным и творческим?Надеюсь что мой материал поможет разнообразить ваши уроки
Слайд 3Формирование слухо-
произносительных навыков
Once upon a time there lived three little foxes
kept their handkerchiefs in cardboard boxes.
They lived in the forest in three little houses,
But they didn't wear coats and they didn't wear trousers
Слайд 4Идентификация / сравнение
(identification / comparison)
Honey is sweeter than sugar,
Coffee is stronger
than tea.
Juice is better than water,
You can't be smarter than me
Слайд 5Подстановочные упражнения
(substitution exercises)
(How much) __________ milk can you drink?
(How many) __________
pears can you eat?
(How many) __________ journals have you read?
(How much) __________ money have you saved
Слайд 6Исправление ошибок
(Error Correction)
If I have a crocodil,
I would taught it
to play guitar.
I will give it jeens and sandals,
And we had travell in a car!
Слайд 7Исправление ошибок (Error Correction)
Слайд 8Заполнение пропусков (Gap-filling)
A Journey
Did you ________ at home?
Did you ________ to
Did your plane ________ on time?
Did you ________ a good time?
Did you ________ in the sea?
Did you ________ TV?
Did you ________ a lot of money?
________ you happy? ________ you sad?
________ you angry? ________ you glad?
Слайд 9Трансформационные упражнения
(transformation exercises)
Учащиеся раскрывают скобки, употребляя нужную
степень прилагательных (младшая ступень обучения)
plane is (fast) than a train.
A bike is (slow) than a train.
A duck is (big) than a frog.
A cat is (weak) than a dog.ния)
Слайд 10Учащиеся раскрывают скобки, употребляя глаголы в
прошедшем времени (старшая ступень обучения)
I (oversleep) and (miss) my train,
(Slip) on the pavement in a heavy rain,
(Sprain) my leg, (skin) my knees,
(Break) my glasses, (lose) my keys,
(Get stuck) in the elevator. It (not to go),
(Kick) it twice and (hurt) my toe.
(Buy) a pen that (not to write)
(Take) it back and (have) a fight.
(Go) home angry, (lock) the door,
(Crawl) into bed, (not to take) any more.
Слайд 11Вопросно-ответная работа (asking-answering questions)
I have a cat, his name is Pit.
by the fire he likes to sit.
Each day I bring him a dish of milk.
And smooth his coat that shines like silk.
And on my knee he likes to sit.
For Pit loves me and I love Pit.
Слайд 12Возможные вопросы:
What pet has the girl got?
What is the cat's name?
does the cat like to sit? Why?
What does Pit like to drink?
How does the girl take care of Pit?
Do they spend much time together?
What pets have you got? How old is (are) it they)?
How did it (they) join your family and when?
Would you like you have any pets? Why?
Слайд 13Работа с песнями
Изучение глагола «to have» в начальной школе
На мотив песни
«В траве сидел кузнечик»:
I have, I have a tiger, I have, I have a tiger, I
I have,I have a tiger, a tiger and a cat.
Have you a tiger? Have you a tiger?
Yes, I have a tiger.
Have you a tiger? Have you a tiger?
No, we have not.
Слайд 14Специальные вопросы в настоящем совершенном времени
На мотив песни «Три поросенка»:
Where, where
have you been?
What, what, what, what have you seen?
What, what, what, what have you done?
Have you had a lot of fun?