Презентация, доклад Воспоминание о прошлом

What lesson did Steve learn from this experience?

Слайд 1Приложение № 1
Pronounce these words. Put them into the correct

column. Then listen and check yourself.

heating satellite thrilled
electricity excited pleased
machine frightened feel
dishwasher determined

Приложение № 1 Pronounce these words. Put them into the correct column. Then listen and check yourself.

Слайд 2What lesson did Steve learn from this experience?

What lesson did Steve learn from this experience?

Put the facilities in the

order from the most important to the least important for you.

Useful language

We think the most important facility is …
The second most important facility is …
We can’t do without …
We have chosen … as the least important facility because …
We don’t find … very useful as …

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №2 Put the facilities in the order from the most important

Слайд 4Приложение №3
1. Good deal? договорились?
2. edge край
3. to take a deep breath глубоко вздохнуть

arms extended с раскинутыми руками
5. knocked out без сознания
6. tongue язык
7. fight (fought) драться
8. flight полет
9. crash грохот
Приложение №3Glossary:1. Good deal?			договорились?2. edge				край3. to take a deep breath	глубоко вздохнуть4. arms extended		с раскинутыми руками5. knocked out			без

Слайд 5Приложение № 6
Listen the story again. Answer the questions. Work in


1. How old is Steve now?
2. What kind of person was Steve 10 years ago?
3. Who was Steve’s idol? Why?
4. Why did he decide to jump from the second floor?
5. What was the deal?
6. What happened to Steve?
7. Did he achieve what he wanted to achieve?
8. Did Steve learn anything from this experience? What did he learn?
Приложение № 6Listen the story again. Answer the questions. Work in groups.1. How old is Steve now?2.

1. He believed he was the boss among his friends.

He was 5 or 6 years old when he saw Superman
on TV for the first time.
3. He really wanted to be a Spiderman.
4. All his friends decided to jump from the second
5. He jumped with his arms extended like
6. He had to go to the school with his mum.
7. But he got the sweets later on, and he became the
leader in his group of friends.

Work in groups and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements.

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №7 1. He believed he was the boss among his friends.2. He was 5 or 6

Слайд 7Приложение № 10
Work in groups. Decide which of the words below

can be used to describe what Steve, his friends and his mother felt. Explain your choice.
frustrated, determined, excited, frightened,
sad, envious of someone, thrilled, proud of someone, surprised, lucky, confident
Steve was…
Steve’s mother was…
Steve’s friends were…
Приложение № 10Work in groups. Decide which of the words below can be used to describe what

Слайд 8Приложение № 11
Work in groups. Agree or disagree with the statements.

Explain your choice.
Steve was very brave.
Movies like “Superman” can make people do crazy
Useful language
We completely agree with the statement because …
We can’t agree with the statement because …
We agree up to a point. On the one hand … but on
the other hand …
Приложение № 11Work in groups. Agree or disagree with the statements. Explain your choice.Steve was very brave.Movies

Слайд 9Follow the steps bellow to write your own poem
 A plan for

a 5 - line constructivist poem

1. On the first line write a noun of your choice.
2. On the second line write two adjectives joined by and describing this noun.
3. On the third line write a verb and an adverb to describe this noun in action.
4. Start the fourth line with like or as followed by comparison.
5. Start the final line with if only followed by a wish.
colorful and bright
shines happily
like a large diamond
if only I could hug it.

Follow the steps bellow to write your own poem A plan for a 5 - line constructivist poem1.

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