Презентация, доклад внеклассного урока по английскому языку


He ____a pupil twenty years ago.(to be)WAS

Слайд 1

Who is best?

Who is best?

Слайд 3He ____a pupil twenty years ago.(to be)

He ____a pupil twenty years ago.(to be)WAS

Слайд 4I come home tomorrow.(to



I        come home tomorrow.(to come)will

Слайд 5He ______ his two cats to walk every day.(to take)

He ______ his two cats to walk every day.(to take)takes

Слайд 6Nina ___________now. (not to sleep)
is not sleeping

Nina ___________now. (not to sleep) is not sleeping

Слайд 7He ______to London yesterday. (to come)

He ______to London yesterday. (to come) came

Слайд 8Yesterday at 10 o’clock the sun _________ and birds _________ in

the trees.(to shine; to sing)

was shining

were singing

Yesterday at 10 o’clock the sun _________ and birds _________ in the trees.(to shine; to sing)was shining

Слайд 9I just ______ my old friend. (to meet)
have met

I just ______ my old friend. (to meet) have met

Слайд 10When I ____ home, mother had already cooked dinner. (to come)


When I ____ home, mother had already cooked dinner. (to come) came

Слайд 11Yesterday I ______my book . (to find)

Yesterday I ______my book . (to find)found

Слайд 12This man is a writer. He writes books. He _________ books

since he was a young man. (to write)

has been writing

This man is a writer. He writes books. He _________ books since he was a young man.

Слайд 13

Live and learn.

Live and learn.

Слайд 14
All that glitters is not gold.

All that glitters is not gold.

Слайд 15
Better late than never.

Better late than never.

Слайд 16
A friend in need
is a friend indeed.

A friend in needis a friend indeed.

Слайд 17
Art is long, life is short.

Art is long, life is short.

Слайд 18
There is no place
like home.

There is no place like home.

Слайд 19
Health is better
than wealth.

Health is better than wealth.

Слайд 20
A good beginning has a good ending..

A good beginning has a good ending..

Слайд 21
The best mirror
is an old friend.

The best mirror is an old friend.

Слайд 22
As a man sows,
so shall he reap.

As a man sows, so shall he reap.

Слайд 23
to be
to have
to make
– was/were – been
– had - had

made – made
to beto haveto make– was/were – been – had - had– made – made

Слайд 24
to go
to tell
to sleep
– went – gone
– told –told

slept – slept
to goto tellto sleep– went – gone – told –told – slept – slept

Слайд 25
to put
to stand
to give
– put – put
– stood – stood

gave – given
to putto standto give– put – put – stood – stood– gave – given

Слайд 26
to drink
to think
to wake (up)
– drank – drunk
– thought

– thought
– woke (up) – woken (up)
to drinkto think to wake (up) – drank – drunk– thought – thought– woke (up) – woken

Слайд 27
to hide
to eat
to wear
– hid – hidden
– ate – eaten

– wore – worn
to hideto eatto wear– hid – hidden – ate – eaten – wore – worn

Слайд 28
to lay
to swim
to set
– laid – laid
– swam –

– set – set
to lay to swimto set– laid – laid – swam – swum – set – set

Слайд 29
to draw
to lead
to teach
– drew – drawn
– led – led

taught – taught
to drawto leadto teach– drew – drawn– led – led – taught – taught

Слайд 30
to hurt
to sink
to strike
– hurt – hurt
– sank – sunk
– struck

– struck
to hurtto sinkto strike– hurt – hurt– sank – sunk– struck – struck

Слайд 31
to lie
to win
to show
– lay – lain
– won –

– showed – shown
to lie to winto show– lay – lain – won – won– showed – shown

Слайд 32
to forecast
to freeze
to light
– forecast – forecast
– froze – frozen
– lit

– lit
to forecastto freezeto light– forecast – forecast– froze – frozen– lit – lit

Слайд 33

State school

Мемлекттік мектеп

State schoolМемлекттік мектеп

Слайд 34


Бастауыш мектеп

PrimaryschoolБастауыш мектеп

Слайд 35

Boarding school


Boarding schoolИнтернат

Слайд 36

A part-time job

Толық емес жұмыс күні

A part-time job Толық емес жұмыс күні

Слайд 37

A newsagent

Газет сатушы

A newsagent Газет сатушы

Слайд 38

To interfere


To interfereАраласу

Слайд 39



Маңызды  Crucial

Слайд 40

Қарандашты ұштау

To sharpen

Қарандашты ұштау  To sharpen  pencil

Слайд 41
The person who loves her audience. She loves singing.

A singer
The person who loves her audience. She loves singing.  A singer

Слайд 42

The person who cuts your hair.

A hairdresser

The person who cuts your hair.  A hairdresser

Слайд 43



Слайд 44
The person who looks after sick people in hospital. She

sometimes works day and sometimes nights.

A nurse

The person who looks after sick people in hospital. She sometimes works day and sometimes nights.

Слайд 45
The person who speaks many foreign languages.

An interpreter

The person who speaks many foreign languages. An interpreter

Слайд 46
The person who introduces music and songs on the radio.

A disc jockey
The person who introduces music and songs on the radio.  A disc jockey

Слайд 47
The person who helps

people buy and sell buildings and land.

A realtor.

The person      who helps people buy and sell buildings and

Слайд 48
The person who wears and shows new fashions.

A model

The person who wears and shows new fashions.  A model

Слайд 49
The person who designs and draws plans for new


An architect

The person who designs and draws plans for new buildings  An architect

Слайд 50Congratulations!!!


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