Презентация, доклад внеклассного мероприятия Поле чудес


Слайд 1The magic field

The magic field

Слайд 2Australia


Слайд 31. It is the capital of australia.

1. It is the capital of australia.

Слайд 42 The native people of australia

2 The native people of australia

Слайд 53. One of the popular australian animals

3. One of the popular  australian animals

Слайд 64.The olympic games were held in this city in 1956.

4.The olympic games were held in this city in 1956.

Слайд 7The super game

The other name of Australia

The super gameThe other name of Australia

Слайд 86. A game for the audience
The official language in Australia

6. A game for the audienceThe official language in Australia

Слайд 9Thank you!!!

Thank you!!!

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