Презентация, доклад внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

Путешествие в страну Знаний 12345

Слайд 1Внеклассное мероприятие Путешествие в страну Знаний
Учитель английского языка
Дроздова Светлана Юрьевна
МБОУ «Авсюнинская


Внеклассное мероприятие Путешествие в страну ЗнанийУчитель английского языка Дроздова Светлана ЮрьевнаМБОУ «Авсюнинская СОШ»

Слайд 2Путешествие в страну Знаний





Путешествие в страну Знаний 12345

Слайд 3Station 1 Phonetics (фонетическая)

Station 1  Phonetics (фонетическая)

Слайд 4Read as quickly as you can.
William always wears a very warm

white vest in winter.

She sells seashells by the seashore.
Read as quickly as you can.William always wears a very warm white vest in winter. She sells

Слайд 5Station 2 Grammar (грамматическая)

Station 2   Grammar (грамматическая)

Слайд 6
Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.
I … fine.

… from England.
He … very strong.
My sister … busy.
I have a cat. It … fat.
Trees … green in spring.
My brother … good at school.
They … not good friends.
I … in class five.
Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.I … fine.You … from England.He … very strong.My

Слайд 7 Расставьте слова в предложениях в правильном порядке.
There, room, in, is, sofa,

nice, a, the
There, toys, are, in, box, the.
Computer, there, no, is, in, room, the
nice you are.
you how old are?
is she where?
good they friends not are.
Расставьте слова в предложениях в правильном порядке. There, room, in, is, sofa, nice, a, theThere, toys,

Слайд 8Find the mistakes.

Ann and Mike is friends.
My hobby has reading.

English are.
I have a books.
I not am in class six.

Find the mistakes.  Ann and Mike is friends.My hobby has reading.We English are. I have a

Слайд 9Station 3. Lexical (лексическая)

Station 3.  Lexical (лексическая)

Слайд 10 Answer the questions. Ответь на вопросы.

1. How are you? - ….am fine, thanks
2. How is your mum? - ….is fine, thanks
3. How is your dad? - ….is fine, thanks
4. How are your parents? - … are fine, thanks
5. How are you pets? - ….are fine, thanks
6. How is your cat? - ….is fine, thanks
Answer the questions.  Ответь на вопросы.      1. How are

Слайд 11The words’ chains.

The words’ chains.   Animals        food

Слайд 12Station 4 The captains’ competition

Station 4  The captains’ competition

Слайд 13Закончи предложения, переведи на английский язык
A year has (12 месяцев)
A year

has (4 времени года)
A season has (3 месяца)
A month has (30(31) дней.
A week has (7 дней).
Закончи предложения, переведи на английский языкA year has (12 месяцев)A year has (4 времени года)A season has

Слайд 14Station 5. Riddles ( загадочная )

Station 5.  Riddles ( загадочная )

Слайд 15Riddles. Загадки
What is found over your head but under your hat?

is in the middle of Paris?
We have legs but cannot walk.
What has two arms and four legs?
When I eat I live, but when I drink I die. What am I?
Clean, but not water. White but not snow. Sweet but not honey. What is it?
What man cannot live inside the house?
What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean?
It is your parents' child. It is not your brother. It is not your sister. Who is it?
What runs but never walks?

Riddles. ЗагадкиWhat is found over your head but under your hat?What is in the middle of Paris?We

Слайд 16Список ресурсов:

Список ресурсов:http://f1.foto.rambler.ru/preview/r/650x447/49d93619-5cad-a347-8712-fe24c66ea03c/626582172.jpg http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/en.htmhttp://docfish.ru/documents/angliyskiy-yazyk-zagadka-deti-perevod-otvet-english-language-riddle-for-kids-translate-answerhttp://englishkids.narod.ru/practice/riddles/riddles.html

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