Презентация, доклад внеклассного мероприятия From a Weee Man, a sculpture of guilt, to a Weee Boy, a useful craft.

Hi! I have come from the future. I am worried about our planet. The problem of garbage is a big problem. You should take care of your planet. You know, you are responsible for the future

Слайд 1Коммунальное учреждение «Общеобразовательная
школа І – ІІІ ступеней №15 имени М.

С. Батраковой
города Енакиево»

Внеклассное воспитательное мероприятие

“FROM A WEEE MAN , a sculpture of guilt, TO A WEEE BOY, a useful craft .”


Учитель английского языка
Литвинюк Е. В.
2016 -2017 учебный год
Коммунальное учреждение «Общеобразовательная школа І – ІІІ ступеней №15 имени М. С. Батраковой города Енакиево»Внеклассное воспитательное мероприятие“FROM

Слайд 2Hi! I have come from the future. I am worried about

our planet. The problem of garbage is a big problem. You should take care of your planet. You know, you are responsible for the future and it can be either good or bad. It depends on you!
I have brought several pictures for you to see what can happen in the future, if you don`t solve the problem of environmental pollution.


Hi! I have come from the future. I am worried about our planet. The problem of garbage

Слайд 3Long –long ago there lived many people on the Earth.

were happy, had families, went to work and had a good rest .

They went to supermarkets and bought a lot of tasty things there. All those things were wrapped in bright colorful packs and plastic bottles.

Long –long ago there lived many people on the Earth. They were happy, had families, went to

Слайд 4The people used body-sprays and hair-sprays, which ruined the ozone layer.

They had a lot of electronic and electric equipment to make their lives easier and didn`t think how to discard the unnecessary things.
The people used body-sprays and hair-sprays, which ruined the ozone layer. They had a lot of electronic

Слайд 6The things were thrown away.
And there appeared very big landfills.

The things were thrown away. And there appeared very big landfills.

Слайд 7 Soon there was no place for people on Earth, as there

was much garbage everywhere. And the people decided to go away. They made a modern spaceship with all modern conveniences and left our planet.

Soon there was no place for people on Earth, as there was much garbage everywhere. And the

Слайд 8Soon they became fat and lazy with no chance to play

sports, swim in the sea and hear the bird`s songs. And now their children do not know how the flowers smell, they have never played in the
lap of nature.
Soon they became fat and lazy with no chance to play sports, swim in the sea and

Слайд 9British people try to solve the problems of our environment

Man is made from the amount of waste electrical and electronic products that an average UK citizen – YOU – will throw away in YOUR lifetime, if YOU carry on disposing of products at the current rate. Currently most of these products go straight into landfill. From January 2006 manufactures are responsible for recycling this waste under new EU legislation called the WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) Directive.
British people try to solve the problems of our environmentThe WEEE Man is made from the amount

Слайд 10The “WEEE Man” was constructed in 2006 as a symbol to

us all about our potential impact on our environment. He represents the amount of electrical waste the average UK person consumes in their lifetime and is over 7m tall, weighs 3.3 tonnes and currently resides at the “Eden Project” in Cornwall.

Imagining 60 million WEEE Men (the population of the UK) helps us realise the scale of the growing problem of electronic waste and also helps us to better understand the need for the WEEE directive. If you visualise 60 million WEEE men…that’s the amount of electrical waste we could be throwing in landfill throughout our lives!

The “WEEE Man” was constructed in 2006 as a symbol to us all about our potential impact

Слайд 11Dear children, let`s try to solve the problem! What electric appliances

do schoolchildren usually use?
Dear children, let`s try to solve the problem! What electric appliances do schoolchildren usually use?

Слайд 12Do you know, that older people have more electric appliances? Let`s

look at the picture of WEEE man and try to understand what appliances were used to construct the sculpture?
Do you know, that older people have more electric appliances? Let`s look at the picture of WEEE

Слайд 14I hope young generation won`t live like people from my cartoon.

Let`s take care of our future until it`s too late!
I hope young generation won`t live like people from my cartoon. Let`s take care of our future

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