Презентация, доклад в 6 классе на тему Направление

1 The cinema is next to the restaurant. 2 The department store (Marks & Spencer’s) is opposite the newsagent’s. 3 The church is next to the school. 4 The railway station is next

Слайд 1Урок английского языка в 6 классе
Учебник “Forward- 6”
Авторы: М. В. Вербицкая

Учитель английского языка
Шалабаева Валентина Игоревна


Урок английского языка в 6 классеУчебник “Forward- 6”Авторы: М. В. ВербицкаяСоставитель: Учитель английского языкаМБОУ ЛСТУ № 2Шалабаева

Слайд 41 The cinema is next to the restaurant. 2 The department

store (Marks & Spencer’s) is opposite the newsagent’s. 3 The church is next to the school. 4 The railway station is next to the sports centre. 5 The bank is between the department store (Marks & Spencer’s) and the chemist’s.
6 The swimming pool is next to the sports centre. 7 The chemist’s is between the supermarket and the hi-fi shop (Dixons). 8 The supermarket is in the shopping centre.

Look at these sentences which describe the town.
Are they true or false? 

1 The cinema is next to the restaurant.  2 The department store (Marks & Spencer’s) is

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