Презентация, доклад урока в 9 классе по теме Средства массовой информации

What is music?

Слайд 1The 28th of October
Where words fail …

The 28th of OctoberTopic: Where words fail …

Слайд 2

What is music?

What is music?

Слайд 3MUSIC is a combination of sounds produced by people singing or

playing instruments
MUSIC is a combination of sounds produced by people singing or playing instruments

Слайд 41. Music is a common feature 2. Music is an art 3. The importance of



1.	 Music is a common feature 2.	Music is an art 3.	The importance of musicPLAN

Слайд 5People listen to music only to entertain themselves
Music cannot reflect all

people’s moods
Music doesn’t say anything about the society in which it is created
Music can’t change anything in a society
Popular music helps give an identity to only one group of society
Music can not symbolise only one generation of people
People listen to music only to entertain themselvesMusic cannot reflect all people’s moodsMusic doesn’t say anything about

Слайд 6Text p.41 ex. 113

ex. 114

Text p.41 ex. 113        ex. 114

Слайд 7Homework
p.42 ex. 117
Write an article
“The music in my life”

Homework p.42 ex. 117Write an article “The music in my life”

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