Презентация, доклад урока английского языка в 5 классе Времена года, погода

Rules of working in groups Choose a leader.Don’t interrupt your classmates. Listen to each other.Be polite and attentive.

Слайд 1Phonetic drills
[ w ] 

weather, winter, wind, windy, what

Phonetic drills[ w ] weather, winter, wind, windy, what

Слайд 2Rules of working in groups

Choose a leader.
Don’t interrupt your

Listen to each other.
Be polite and attentive.
Rules of working in groups  Choose a leader.Don’t interrupt your classmates. Listen to each other.Be polite

Слайд 3 What season is it ?
I come with cold and

But you like me and know?
What season is it ? I come with cold and snow  But you like me

Слайд 4This is the season
When snowdrops bloom
When nobody likes
To be in the

This is the season
When birds make their nests.
This is the season
We all like best

This is the seasonWhen snowdrops bloomWhen nobody likesTo be in the room.  This is the season

Слайд 5This is the season when nights are short
and children have

plenty of fun and sport
This is the season when nights are short and children have plenty of fun and sport

Слайд 6This is the season
When days are cool
When we eat apples
And go

to school
This is the seasonWhen days are coolWhen we eat applesAnd go to school

Слайд 71.Everything is good in its season.
2. It’s raining cats and dogs.

After rain comes fair weather.

1.Everything is good in its season.2. It’s raining cats and dogs.3. After rain comes fair weather.

Слайд 8All Year round

All Year round

Слайд 9Lets play the game
«A staircase»

Lets play the game «A staircase»

Слайд 10
Winter: December

Summer: June
January July
February August

Spring: March Autumn: September
April October
May November

Winter: December     Summer: June

Слайд 11What is your favourite season and month?

What is your favourite season and month?

Слайд 12When is your
My birthday is in …

When is your birthday?My birthday is in …

Слайд 15Let’s have a rest and dance.

Let’s have a rest and dance.

Слайд 16Where are you?
What is the weather like
in … today?

Where are you?What is the weather like in … today?

Слайд 17Now I know

There are ……seasons in a year. They are……..

are …… months in a year. They are….

Now I can speak about weather
Идет дождь
Прекрасный день
Идет снег
Очень жарко
Небо затянуто облаками.
Дует ветер
Светит солнце

Now I know There are ……seasons in a year. They are……..There are …… months in a year.

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