Презентация, доклад Умственное здоровье подростков (Mental health of teens)

As teens feel the pressure to succeed in a nation that promotes competitiveness, they may be losing out on something very important…their childhood. Why are we pushing our youth so hard? Teens shouldn't be more stressed

Слайд 1Mental health of teens

Mental health of teens

Слайд 2As teens feel the pressure to succeed in a nation that

promotes competitiveness, they may be losing out on something very important…their childhood. Why are we pushing our youth so hard? Teens shouldn't be more stressed than adults. How can we teach them to cope? Below are some tips for teens to help them deal with the everyday pressure of stress.
As teens feel the pressure to succeed in a nation that promotes competitiveness, they may be losing

Слайд 3 Eat Healthy food
If you eat a lot of junk or

even skip meals, then how on earth do you expect to perform your best?
Just like a car needs good fuel to run your body also needs good fuel (nutrients) to run efficiently.

Eat Healthy foodIf you eat a lot of junk or even skip meals, then how on

Слайд 4 Sleep enough
Your body needs rest.
You will perform better if you

get a good night’s rest.
It helps you regroup and relax so you’ll be ready to tackle the next day’s tasks with a clearer mind.
Sleep enoughYour body needs rest.You will perform better if you get a good night’s rest. It

Слайд 5Get Moving
If you’re thinking “I don’t have time to exercise,” think

Just two hours of extra exercise each week can improve your school performance.
So not only is exercise good for you, but it can help your grades!
Get MovingIf you’re thinking “I don’t have time to exercise,” think again! Just two hours of extra

Слайд 6Me Time
Take some time out of your busy day and spend

it with a very important person - yourself!
You need time to relax and have fun. It's important to schedule some time into your busy day to do something you enjoy.
Me TimeTake some time out of your busy day and spend it with a very important person

Слайд 7 Friend Time
Friends serve an important role in helping you cope.

Don't keep them out of your life because your busy. You need them.
Friend TimeFriends serve an important role in helping you cope. Don't keep them out of your

Слайд 8 Find Balance
Find a way to balance all of the things that

are on your plate.
You can start by making a list and marking off anything that doesn’t need your immediate attention.
 Find BalanceFind a way to balance all of the things that are on your plate. You can

Слайд 9 Go outside
Research has shown that being outside improves your mood.

Just a few extra minutes each day can make a big difference. 
Go outsideResearch has shown that being outside improves your mood. Just a few extra minutes each

Слайд 10Take a breath
One quick way to calm yourself quickly is to

Keep practicing taking deep breaths. You should feel yourself start to relax.
Take a breathOne quick way to calm yourself quickly is to breathe. Keep practicing taking deep breaths.

Слайд 11 Find Your Sense of Humor
Laughter is often the best medicine for

a stressed out day.
When you laugh your body begins to relax and release feel good endorphins.
So go ahead watch a funny show, or crack a joke with a friend and notice how a little laughter can change your entire mood.
 Find Your Sense of HumorLaughter is often the best medicine for a stressed out day. When you

Слайд 13Bibliography





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