Презентация, доклад ученицы Аникеевой Елены по английскому языку Место, где я хотела бы побывать

San FranciscoSan Francisco - a major city on the west coast of the U.S. state of California the cost of living in San Francisco is one of the highest in the United States.San Francisco is located

Слайд 1Secondary school named after V.I.Chuikov. Project Work №1 «San Francisco»

Student E.Anikeeva
Form 8B
Teacher E.V.Tsemenko

Serebryanye Prudy

Secondary school named after V.I.Chuikov.  Project Work №1 «San Francisco»

Слайд 2San Francisco
San Francisco - a major city on the west coast

of the U.S. state of California the cost of living in San Francisco is one of the highest in the United States.

San Francisco is located in a very picturesque place, where the Pacific Ocean through the narrow state of the Golden Gate cut into the mainland and forms a San Francisco Bay Area.

The famous hills of San Francisco is one of the landmarks.

In San Francisco, there are about 40 districts, many of which are very individual, and do not like each other.

San FranciscoSan Francisco - a major city on the west coast of the U.S. state of California

Слайд 3Embarcadero - eastern area along San Francisco's waterfront.

Embarcadero - eastern area along San Francisco's waterfront.

Слайд 4Fisherman's Wharf - District "Fisherman's Wharf" - one of the busiest

attractions in San Francisco.
Fisherman's Wharf - District

Слайд 5North Beach - being historically Italian district, today a district of

nightclubs, restaurants and bars.
North Beach - being historically Italian district, today a district of nightclubs, restaurants and bars.

Слайд 6Union Square - the area around the area of ​​Union Square,

is very popular with tourists
Union Square - the area around the area of ​​Union Square, is very popular with tourists

Слайд 7Chinatown - "city within a city" with exotic shops, markets, temples

and small museums.
Chinatown -

Слайд 8Russian Hill - prestigious area, is best known for winding street.

Russian Hill - prestigious area, is best known for winding street.

Слайд 9Civic Center - here is the city hall of San Francisco.

Civic Center - here is the city hall of San Francisco.

Слайд 10Nob Hill - an expensive and prestigious area, home to wealthy

Nob Hill - an expensive and prestigious area, home to wealthy people.

Слайд 11South of Market (SoMa) - a large and diverse area in

which the children's museum Zeum is.
South of Market (SoMa) - a large and diverse area in which the children's museum Zeum is.

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