Презентация, доклад учащихся 11 класса по английскому языку Human and Children's rights

Here you can find the information about human rightsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights.Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Слайд 1Human and children’s rights
Made by: Artemiy Fedosov, 11”A” form

Human and children’s rightsMade by: Artemiy Fedosov, 11”A” form

Слайд 2Here you can find the information about human rights
Universal Declaration of

Human Rights.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Here you can find the information about human rightsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights.Declaration of the Rights of

Слайд 3Here you can find the information about children’s rights
Convention on the

Rights of the Child.

Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children.

Here you can find the information about children’s rightsConvention on the Rights of the Child.Declaration of the

Слайд 4 The difference between the rights of human and children
So why

did people create the human’s and children’s rights? Why didn’t they make only one type of them? It’s simple to answer.
The human’s rights include basic and important rights for everyone, like the right to live or the right to have water and food. It can be a child, or an adult, it doesn’t matter, they all depend on that rights.
As a child isn’t old enough (isn’t +18 years old), he depends on his parents and can’t live without them, people made a type of rights specially for children. Some of child’s rights include the same rights, that other people have, but not all of them (“the child, for the full and harmonious development of his personality, needs love and understanding. “; “Children have the rights to live with their parents in one house, before of their adulthood” and others…). That rights will help them to get a favorable conditions for their future and adult life.

The difference between the rights of human and children So why did people create the

Слайд 5The punishments for discrimination of the people and children’s rights
There’re few

groups of punishments:
The punishments for the states (the reasons are genocide, ignoring the universal declarations and conventions of people’s and child’s rights and others). The most popular punishment is sanctions (diplomatic, juristic and economic), the war operation (prescribed in the International Criminal Code). International Court of Justice, The UN Security Council are the punishers.
The punishments for 1 or for a group of people (as example, if a citizen of the state violated someone’s rights) are prescribed in the official document of the country (like The Criminal Code) including fines (different values), the criminal and the administrative responsibilities. The state is a punisher.
The punishments for discrimination of the people and children’s rightsThere’re few groups of punishments:The punishments for the

Слайд 6What is the most important right for me?

It’s the right for

What is the most important right for me?It’s the right for life.

Слайд 7Thanks for watching and have a nice day!

Thanks for watching and have a nice day!

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