Презентация, доклад Travelling 8 класс

«Travel teach more than anything else. Sometimes one day in other places gives more than ten years of life at home» Anatole France «People going on a trip to a country whose language doesn’t know,

Слайд 1Урок английского языка 8 класс
Автор: Куликова Мария Николаевна
учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Арьёвская СОШ» р.п.Арья Уренского района Нижегородской области


Урок английского языка 8 классАвтор: Куликова Мария Николаевна учитель английского языка МБОУ «Арьёвская СОШ» р.п.Арья Уренского района

Слайд 2«Travel teach more than anything else. Sometimes one day in other

places gives more than ten years of life at home» Anatole France

«People going on a trip to a country whose language doesn’t know, in fact, goes to school, and not to travel» F.Bacon

«Travel teach more than anything else. Sometimes one day in other places gives more than ten years

Слайд 3We shall speak about…

We shall speak about…travelling.

Слайд 4Let’s remember sound [g]!
We go by car
And we go by train.

go by boat
And we go by plane.
We go by land,
And sea and air.
We go, go, go
From here to there.
Let’s remember sound [g]!We go by carAnd we go by train.We go by boat And we go

Слайд 5People travel by

People travel by

Слайд 6I would like to travel
By car
By bus
By plane
By train

By ship
By air balloon
By boat

But: on foot

I would like to travel By car By busBy planeBy trainBy helicopterBy shipBy air balloonBy boat But:

Слайд 7to see other countries
to enjoy picturesque places
to study geography
to practice foreign

to know the new customs and traditions
to discover new places and new ways of life
to try foreign food
to see sightseeing

Why People Travel?

to see other countriesto enjoy picturesque placesto study geographyto practice foreign languageto know the new customs and

Слайд 8Fill in the words from the table.( tickets, culture, to travel,

places, expensive, comfortable.)

People buy before travelling.
People would visit a lot of .
Travelling by car is .
Travelling by plane is the most .
People prefer in summer.
Tourism teaches people about art and





to travel


Fill in the words from the table.( tickets, culture, to travel, places, expensive, comfortable.)People buy

Слайд 9Make up the sentences.
1.by car, is, travelling, the quickest.

2.is, the most

expensive, by plane, travelling.

3.travelling, is, by ship, the most interesting.

4.travelling, is, the best, by plane.

Travelling by car is the quickest.

Travelling by plane is the most expensive.

Travelling by ship is the most interesting.

Travelling by plane is the best.

Make up the sentences.1.by car, is, travelling, the quickest.2.is, the most expensive, by plane, travelling.3.travelling, is, by

Слайд 105.prefer, to travel, people, by car, in summer.

6.buy, people, travelling, before,


People prefer to travel by car in summer.

People buy tickets before travelling.

5.prefer, to travel, people, by car, in summer.6.buy, people, travelling, before, tickets.People prefer to travel by car

Слайд 11Read the proverbs.
Every country has its customs.
East or West home is

There is no place like home.
Read the proverbs.Every country has its customs.East or West home is best.There is no place like home.

Слайд 121.Travelling:pros and cons. Use the expressions from the box to complete

the table below.2.Name advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad.
1.Travelling:pros and cons. Use the expressions from the box to complete the table below.2.Name advantages and disadvantages

Слайд 13Complete the sentences.
-As for me, I think that travelling abroad has

some disadvantages.
First, if you travel abroad, you …
Second, you have to…
Third, you can see that …
More than that…
That’s why I am against travelling abroad, I prefer rest at home.

As for me, I’d like to say that travelling abroad has some advantages.
First, if you travel abroad, you can…
Second, you have an opportunity to…
Third, you can…
Besides …
That’s why I am for travelling abroad.

Complete the sentences.__-As for me, I think that travelling abroad has some disadvantages.First, if you travel abroad,

Слайд 15The more you live, 
The more you travel,
 The more you travel, 
The more

you see,
 The more you see, 
The more you learn.
The more you live, The more you travel, The more you travel, The more you see, The more you see, The more

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