Презентация, доклад Типы условных предложений


Слайд 1Тема: Conditionals
Класс: 9-11

Учитель английского языка: Ахмедова Ольга Алексеевна

Г. Нефтеюганск


Тема: Conditionals Класс: 9-11Учитель английского языка: Ахмедова Ольга АлексеевнаГ. НефтеюганскМБОУ «СОШ №» им.А.И.Исаевой»

Слайд 2conditionals


Слайд 4Conjunctions
As soon as


Conjunctions IfWhenAs soon asWhileTillUntilUnless

Слайд 5Zero conditional
If you push this button your computer switches on.

Zero conditionalIf you push this button your computer switches on.

Слайд 6Zero conditional

Zero conditional

Слайд 7The first conditional
I will go for a walk if the weather

is fine
The first  conditionalI will go for a walk if the weather is fine

Слайд 8The first conditional
Present Simple
Future simple

The first  conditionalPresent SimpleFuture simple

Слайд 9The second conditional
If the dogs could talk they would say a

lot of interesting things
The second  conditionalIf the dogs could talk they would say a lot of interesting things

Слайд 10The second conditional
Past simple (V2,ed)

would +V

If the dogs could talk
they would

say a lot of interesting things

The second  conditionalPast simple (V2,ed)would +VIf the dogs could talkthey would say a lot of interesting

Слайд 11If I were you…
If I were you I would write

a letter to Santa.
If I were you… If I were you I would write a letter to Santa.

Слайд 12The third conditional
If I had phoned you yesterday we would

have gone to the cinema
The third  conditional If I had phoned you yesterday we would have gone to the cinema

Слайд 13The third conditional

Past perfect (hadV3,ed)
Would have V3,ed

The third  conditionalPast perfect (hadV3,ed)Would have V3,ed

Слайд 14I wish…
I wish I could fly.
Жаль, что я не умею летать.

хотела бы научиться летать
I wish…I wish I could fly.Жаль, что я не умею летать.Я хотела бы научиться летать

Слайд 15I wish…
I wish I had seen that sunset yesterday.

I wish…I wish I had seen that sunset yesterday.

Слайд 16conditionals
If you push this button your computer switches on.
I will go

for a walk if the weather is fine

If the dogs could talk they would say a lot of interesting things

If I had phoned you yesterday we would have gone to the cinema


Планы на будущее

Планы, которые еще могут осуществиться

Планы, которые не могут осуществиться

conditionalsIf you push this button your computer switches on.I will go for a walk if the weather

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