Презентация, доклад Thomas Hardy (11 класс)

1. Short Biography 2. Early Years 3. Early Career 4. Literary Work 5. ConclusionStory plan

Слайд 1 Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy

Слайд 2 1. Short Biography
2. Early Years

3. Early Career
4. Literary Work
5. Conclusion

Story plan

1. Short Biography  2. Early Years   3. Early Career  4. Literary

Слайд 3Thomas Hardy
Born: Higher Bockhampton, Dorset, England on June 2, 1840
Died: January

11, 1928
Genre: Hardy wrote short stories, poems, and plays

Short biography

Thomas HardyBorn: Higher Bockhampton, Dorset, England on June 2, 1840Died: January 11, 1928Genre: Hardy wrote short stories,

Слайд 4His father was a stonemason and builder; his mother passed on

her love of reading and books to her son. Hardy had somewhat of an isolated life on the open fields of the region. He grew up living and examining rural life, which figures prominently in many of his novels. His primary school education lasted until he was sixteen, at which time he was sent to an apprenticeship with John Hicks, a local architect.

Early Years

His father was a stonemason and builder; his mother passed on her love of reading and books

Слайд 5Hardy's education was interrupted by his work as an architect. He

had wanted to attend the university and become an Anglican minister, but lack of funds and his declining interest in religion swayed Hardy away from that avocation and more toward a self-study of poetry and writing. Hardy tried his hand at writing when he was 17 and wrote for years while he was a practicing architect. His first novel manuscript, The Poor Man and the Lady, was rejected by several publishers, but one editor, George Meredith encouraged him, and so Hardy set out to refine his style. A second story, Desperate Remedies (1871), was accepted and published. His next novel, Under the Greenwood Tree (1872), demonstrates a more polished Hardy now coming into his own style.

Early Career

Hardy's education was interrupted by his work as an architect. He had wanted to attend the university

Слайд 6Hardy left architecture to devote his time to his literary career.

His reputation as one of England's newer novelists sustained the Hardy family from that time on. The next novel, Far from the Maddening Crowd (1874), introduced the Wessex area setting, which also is the setting for Tess. The next two novels, The Return of the Native (1878) and The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886), established Hardy as a formidable writer.

Literary Work

Hardy left architecture to devote his time to his literary career. His reputation as one of England's

Слайд 7Hardy wrote short stories, poems, and plays for the rest of

his life. Hardy was quite prolific during this period, writing some 900 poems on a variety of subjects. In 1912, Hardy's wife, Emma, died, ending 20 years of "domestic estrangement." In 1914, Hardy married Florence Emily Dugdale, with whom he lived until his death on January 11, 1928.


Hardy wrote short stories, poems, and plays for the rest of his life. Hardy was quite prolific

Слайд 8Thank you for the attention

Thank you for the attention

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