Презентация, доклад The Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Слайд 1Phonetic Drills
TH [ ð ] weather, there, breathe
TH [ θ ]

healthy, wealthy, throw
OUR [ˈaʊə] hour, our, sour
Phonetic DrillsTH [ ð ] weather, there, breatheTH [ θ ] healthy, wealthy, throwOUR [ˈaʊə] hour, our,

Слайд 2The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Слайд 5have/has been +V ing
Key words:
all… (morning, evening, day)
How long…?

have/has been +V ingKey words:sinceforall… (morning, evening, day)How long…?

Слайд 6for ten minutes
since 3 o`clock
all morning
How long have they been

doing this?
for ten minutessince 3 o`clockall morning How long have they been doing this?

Слайд 7 Make up the sentences
eat an apple/
a minute
2. play

the piano/
2 o`clock

3. jump/
five minutes

4. ride bikes/ morning

5. play the guitar/
5 o`clock

6. have lunch/ 30 minutes

She has been eating an apple for a minute.

He has been playing the piano since 2 o`clock.

They have been jumping for 5 minutes.

They have been riding their bikes all morning.

He has been playing the guitar since 5 o`clock.

He has been having lunch for 30 minutes.

Make up the sentenceseat an apple/ a minute 2. play the piano/ 2 o`clock3. jump/ five

Слайд 9p.77 ex5

p.77 ex5

Слайд 119-10 “5”
7-8 “4”
5-6 “3”
0-4 ?

9-10 “5”7-8  “4”5-6  “3”0-4   ?

Слайд 121) It's 12 o'clock but my younger brother still ... A is

sleeping B sleeps C has slept D slept E have been sleeping 2) George ....tennis since his childhood. A plays B has been playing C have played D is playing E played 3) I am very tired. I... my homework for two hours. A am doing B do C has done D have been doing E shall do 4) Ned ... a competition this year. A has won B has win C have won D wins E won 5) -Where is your granny? - She ... in the garden. A work B works C is working D have been working E worked
1) It's 12 o'clock but my younger brother still ... A is sleeping  B sleeps

Слайд 13 6) How long ... you... your room? - For about ten

minutes. A has ...been tidying B have ... been tidying C are ...tidying D do...tidy E did ...tidy 7) The pupils ... dictations once a month. A are writing B have written C has written D write E writes 8) I ... my neighbors for a long time. A know B knows C have known D have been knowing E has known 9) The boys ... football since 2 o'clock. A play B plays C has been playing D have been playing E are playing 10) We ... just some delicious cakes. A eat B are eating C have eaten D has eaten E has been eating
6) How long ... you... your room? - For about ten minutes.  A has

Слайд 14Thank you very much!!!

Thank you very much!!!

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