Презентация, доклад The population of the UK

The people of Ireland, Wales and Scotland belong to Celts whereas the people from England and low-lying Scotland mostly belong to the German tribes. This difference was reflected in language on which they spoke, in distinction

Слайд 1 The population of England is about 51 million people. About 80

% of the population of England are Englishmen, almost 10%are Scots, about 4% are Irish ,more than 1% - Welsh ,and 5% are immigrants from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Ghana and other African countries.


The population of England is about 51 million people. About 80 % of the population of

Слайд 2The people of Ireland, Wales and Scotland belong to Celts whereas

the people from England and low-lying Scotland mostly belong to the German tribes. This difference was reflected in language on which they spoke, in distinction of their economic, social and legal systems. People closely communicated, and distinctions between them were erased, but didn't disappear absolutely. The people of Ireland, Scotland and Wales are proud of the identity. England during all times was more powerful than its neighbors. That is why foreigners call British "Englishmen". It irritates inhabitants of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales which aren't Englishmen.

The British mostly come from the Anglo-Saxon tribes. Then the Normans conquered the land. So the English language has turned out as a result of assimilation of the two peoples. Traditionally, the British are reserved, shy towards new people, suspicious of change, responsible and honest, unloving show their emotions openly and confident (уверенные) of his superiority over all other nations of the earth. The British are also individualists, like any other nation on the planet

Welsh are proud of that they are true British: their great is grandfathers believed that they grew from the earth and consequently are the oldest people on the island. Twenty percent of the population of Wales still speak Welsh language, the most classic language in Europe. Welsh are proud of the culture, traditions and the unique language. Nowadays literature, music and drama are very well developed branches.

Irish are mostly Celts. As well as Wales, they have a rich literary heritage. Ireland has a long confrontation(противоречие). The Irish called the unrest and unstable situation in the country of "the troubles". There is not only the differences in religion and religious intolerance on both sides, there are also political and social differences.


The people of Ireland, Wales and Scotland belong to Celts whereas the people from England and low-lying

Слайд 3The British are real patriots. They are very sensitive to the

family and State traditions. This is England is the standard of etiquette. English etiquette is the epitome (олицетворение) of formality and rigor(точность). The concept of a "true gentleman" was born in this country!
The British are real patriots. They are very sensitive to the family and State traditions. This is

Слайд 4The British people are polite and well-mannered people. They are practical

and realistic. The British people are considered to be the world is greatest tea drinkers. Every Englishman is said to be a countryman at heart. The English countryside is many things to many people. It stands for freshness, for leisure, fun and games. The English have a good sense of humour. The Scots are said to be serious people, rather inventive and somewhat mystical. The Welsh are emotional people but sometimes reserved.
The British people are polite and well-mannered people. They are practical and realistic. The British people are

Слайд 5Languages. In Wales only about 19% of the population speak Welsh

as their first languages, though hearly all of them also speak perfect English. The study of Welsh is now compulsory in many primary and secondary schools. Television and radio services in Wales give about half their time to languages programmes. Most public signs are in Welsh as well as in English. In Scotland 2% of the population speak Caelic, another Celtic languages, as well as English.
Languages. In Wales only about 19% of the population speak Welsh as their first languages, though hearly

Слайд 6Many immigrants are bilingual. Many Indians, for example, speak both Hindi

and English, a lot of Chinese speak both Chinese and English. Many Turks speak English and Turkish. There are number of different regional accents in the UK. Some people in London speak «Сockney»,in Birmingham- «Brum».There is a varity of English which belongs to no particular region. It is Standart English, which is usually taught to foreigners.
Many immigrants are bilingual. Many Indians, for example, speak both Hindi and English, a lot of Chinese

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