Презентация, доклад Talking about time

p.m / a.m ?pm : between 12 noon and 12 midnightam : between 12 midnight and 12 noon1:15 a quarter past one/ one fifteen1:30 half past one/ one thirty

Слайд 1Time - время

Time - время

Слайд 2p.m / a.m ?
pm : between 12 noon and 12 midnight

: between 12 midnight and 12 noon
1:15 a quarter past one/ one fifteen
1:30 half past one/ one thirty
p.m / a.m ?pm : between 12 noon and 12 midnightam : between 12 midnight and 12

Слайд 3What time is it?
- What time is it please?
(Подскажите, пожалуйста,

который час?)
- Its half past three.
- Thank you.
What time is it?- What time is it please? (Подскажите, пожалуйста, который час?)- Its half past three.

Слайд 4Prepositions of time Предлоги времени
At : hours (часы) at 8:00

at night (ночью)
at the weekend (в выходной)
On: days (дни) – on Monday
dates (даты) – on 6th may (on the 6th of May)
In : months - in January
seasons – in autumn
in the afternoon (днем)
in the evening (вечером)

Prepositions of time Предлоги времени At : hours (часы) at 8:00      at

Слайд 5№7 p.17
- Whose birthday is in spring?
- Mine.

When’s your birthday?
- It’s on the 5th of May.
- How old are you?
- I’m 12.
№7 p.17 - Whose birthday is in spring? - Mine. - When’s your birthday? - It’s on

Слайд 6Homework
Imagine it’s your birthday. Write an invitation card to your friend.

Write: date, place, address.

Представь, что у тебя скоро день рождения. Напиши пригласительную открытку. Укажи дату, место, адрес.
HomeworkImagine it’s your birthday. Write an invitation card to your friend. Write: date, place, address.Представь, что у

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