Презентация, доклад стихотворения Winter Night

And far and near blizzards raced, to every endland.

Слайд 1«Winter Night» by B. Pasternak
School № 5
Zavorina Evgeniya
Dizer Irina

«Winter Night» by B. PasternakSchool № 5Zavorina EvgeniyaDizer Irina

Слайд 2And far and near blizzards raced, to every endland.

And far and near blizzards raced, to every endland.

Слайд 3A burning candle lit the place, a burning candle.

A burning candle lit the place, a burning candle.

Слайд 4As to a sworm of summer moth are flame and glow,

window attractive was to flakes of snow.
As to a sworm of summer moth are flame and glow,The window attractive was to flakes of

Слайд 5There on the plane grew frosted quilt
of arcs and angles.

There on the plane grew frosted quilt of arcs and angles.

Слайд 6A candle lit the desk and quill,

A burning candle!

A candle lit the desk and quill,A burning candle!

Слайд 7On the enlightened ceiling easel feel shapes retracing

On the enlightened ceiling easel feel shapes retracing

Слайд 8Entangled arms, entangled knees,
Fates interlacing!

Entangled arms, entangled knees,Fates interlacing!

Слайд 9And thuddingly two little shoes were dropping down

And thuddingly two little shoes were dropping down

Слайд 10And wax in tears, heat-melted lose,
Dripped on the gown.

And wax in tears, heat-melted lose,Dripped on the gown.

Слайд 11And melted all in silver gloom, obscure and swirling.

And melted all in silver gloom, obscure and swirling.

Слайд 12A burning candle lit the room, a candle burning.

A burning candle lit the room, a candle burning.

Слайд 13The light would swing in draft, and change,
And passions stormy!

The light would swing in draft, and change,And passions stormy!

Слайд 14Spread their wings, like an archangel, crucifomly.

Spread their wings, like an archangel, crucifomly.

Слайд 15That winter, blizzards held the pace,
and calls returning

That winter, blizzards held the pace, and calls returning

Слайд 16A burning candle lit the place,
A candle burning!

A burning candle lit the place,A candle burning!

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