Презентация, доклад Спокойное достоинство. (Смоленск) ( К УМК New Millennium English 11 класс)


Слайд 1
Project Prepared by Shumakova Polina Class 11 b Teacher : Grishina S.I.

Project  Prepared by Shumakova Polina Class 11 b Teacher : Grishina S.I.

Слайд 2Smolensk


Слайд 3Smolensk is situated in the Russian Federation. It is the administrative,

industrial and cultural center of the Smolensk region.
It’s located 378 km to the southwest from Moscow on the banks of the river Dnepr. It has a good geographical position on the ways from Moscow to Belarus, Baltic countries, the countries of Central and the Western Europe.

Assumption Cathedral in Smolensk

Smolensk is situated in the Russian Federation. It is the administrative, industrial and cultural center of the

Слайд 4There are a lot of historical museums and parks in Smolensk,

for example :

Rest parks
The central recreation park «Lopatinsky garden»
Square of memory of heroes «Kutuzovsky garden»
Square of A.S.Pushkin "the Pushkin garden"
Garden of M.I.Glinka «the Garden of Blone»
Square of Memory of soldiers-internationalists
Square of Memory of victims of the Chernobyl accident
Square of a name of M.I.Kutuzov
Square of U.A.Gagarin
Victory park
Park of pioneers
Park of P.I.Pestelja
Park of P.S.Nakhimov
Forest park "the Red pine forest"
Forest park of "Dubrovenka"
Forest park of "Serebrjanka"
Nursery forest of "Tihvinka"

Square of Memory of Heroes

There are a lot of historical museums and parks in Smolensk, for example :Rest parksThe central recreation

Слайд 5The Temple Cathedral is on the high hill

The Temple Cathedral  is on the high hill

Слайд 6Dnieper river in Smolensk is not so large, but it’s marvelous.

Dnieper river in Smolensk is not so large, but it’s marvelous.

Слайд 7Kremlin wall was designed by Fyodor Kon in the 16-th century.

Kremlin wall was designed by Fyodor Kon in the 16-th century.

Слайд 8Smolensk railway station

Smolensk railway station

Слайд 9It’s just a street of the town. The roads are quite

It’s just a street of the town. The roads are quite straight.

Слайд 10
The modern facilities are quite popular here.
But Smolensk is old enough.

It will be better to reconstruct some buildings in order to make them stronger and to organize the number of special hotels for tourists. It’s a way to make the town more preferable and attractive.
The modern facilities are quite popular here.But Smolensk is old enough. It will be better to reconstruct

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