Презентация, доклад Six pack rings к учебнику Биболетовой М.З. 10 класс

Six pack rings or six pack yokes are a set of connected plastic rings that are used in multi-packs of beverage, particularly six packs of beverage cans.

Слайд 1Six pack rings
Are dangerous

Six pack ringsAre dangerous

Слайд 2Six pack rings or six pack yokes are a set of connected plastic rings

that are used in multi-packs of beverage, particularly six packs of beverage cans.
Six pack rings or six pack yokes are a set of connected plastic rings that are used in multi-packs of beverage, particularly

Слайд 3Most of these plastic six-pack rings end up in our oceans

and pose a serious threat to wildlife.
According to the Humane Society: “Though the center’s employees are able to save many of the 14,000 animals admitted annually, most of the animals suffering from can injuries or entangled in plastic six-pack rings are not so lucky.
The trash slices them up, and by the time they come in to us the injuries are so advanced that we can’t do much for them.”

Most of these plastic six-pack rings end up in our oceans and pose a serious threat to

Слайд 5But a small craft beer brand in Florid whose primary target

are surfers fishermen, Saltwater Brewery, decided to tackle the issue head on and make a statement for the whole beer industry to follow.
They ideated, designed, prototyped and manufactured Edible Six Pack Rings. A six-pack packaging design that instead of killing animals, feeds them.

But a small craft beer brand in Florid whose primary target are surfers fishermen, Saltwater Brewery, decided

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