Презентация, доклад Санкт Петербург рамках проекта Города России руководитель: Мажура О. В.

The most beautiful city in Russia - Saint Petersburg.


The project was made by Frolova Tatyana
5V cl School

22 Sochi teacher:Mazhura OV.
SAINT PETERSBURGThe project was made by Frolova Tatyana 5V cl School 22  Sochi teacher:Mazhura OV.

Слайд 2The most beautiful city in Russia - Saint Petersburg.

The most beautiful city in Russia - Saint Petersburg.

Слайд 3Saint-Petersburg is often called a northern capital of Russia.

Saint-Petersburg is often called a northern capital of Russia.

Слайд 4 The city was founded by Peter The Great in 1703.

The city was founded by Peter The Great in 1703.

Слайд 5There are a lot of museums, monuments and cathedrals In Saint-Petersburg.

The most famous museum of world is of course the Hermitage.

There are a lot of museums, monuments and cathedrals In Saint-Petersburg. The most famous museum of world

Слайд 7 The Kazan cathedral, the Isaac cathedral, the Savior on blood cathedral

are fantastic.

The Kazan cathedral, the Isaac cathedral, the Savior on blood cathedral are fantastic.

Слайд 8 Saint-Petersburg is also famous by its theatres/
Mariinsky Theatre of Opera

and Ballet is the great.

Saint-Petersburg is also famous by its theatres/ Mariinsky Theatre of Opera and Ballet is the great.

Слайд 9 The interesting sights to visit are cruiser Aurora and the monument

to Peter The Great.

The interesting sights to visit are cruiser Aurora and the monument to Peter The Great.

Слайд 10 You can visit Kunstkamera, Russian Museum, Smolny cathedral.

You can visit Kunstkamera, Russian Museum, Smolny cathedral.

Слайд 12You will also visit Peterhof, it is wonderful.

You will also visit Peterhof, it is wonderful.

Слайд 13Tsarskoe Selo

Tsarskoe Selo

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