Презентация, доклад с заданиями по теме Clothes

Check yourself1 a coat - f2 shoes - a3 a sweater - e4 shorts - c5 a warm hat - h6 jeans - g7 skiing boots - i8 an umbrella - d9 a swimming costume -

Слайд 1Match the picture and the word

1 a coat
2 shoes
3 a sweater

5 a warm hat
6 jeans
7 skiing boots
8 an umbrella
9 a swimming costume










Match the picture and the word1 a coat2 shoes3 a sweater4 shorts5 a warm hat6 jeans7 skiing

Слайд 2Check yourself

1 a coat - f
2 shoes - a
3 a sweater

- e
4 shorts - c
5 a warm hat - h
6 jeans - g
7 skiing boots - i
8 an umbrella - d
9 a swimming costume - b
Check yourself1 a coat - f2 shoes - a3 a sweater - e4 shorts - c5 a

Слайд 3Find the words: skiing boots, swimming costume, shoes, coat, shorts, umbrella,

warm hat, sweater, jeans

Find the words: skiing boots, swimming costume, shoes, coat, shorts, umbrella, warm hat, sweater, jeans

Слайд 4Correct yourself

Correct yourself

Слайд 5Make the sentences with the words: skiing boots, swimming costume, shoes,

coat, shorts, umbrella, warm hat, sweater, jeans

I will wear … in summer.
I will wear … in winter.
I will wear … in autumn.
I will wear … in spring.

Make the sentences with the words: skiing boots, swimming costume, shoes, coat, shorts, umbrella, warm hat, sweater,

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