Презентация, доклад Robots Are Coming! к учебнику М .З.Биболетовой Enjoy English для 10 класса

Презентацию составила учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №9 В. В. Бабакина

Слайд 1
The ROBOTS Are Coming!
Form 10 Unit 3 “Civilization and Progress”

The ROBOTS Are Coming!Form 10 Unit 3 “Civilization and Progress”

Слайд 2Презентацию составила учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №9 В. В. Бабакина

Презентацию составила учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №9 В. В. Бабакина

Слайд 3Robot Revolution What things can robots do that humans can`t? What can

humans do what robots can`t? Use the words from the word box or use your own ideas.

climb stairs
play football
show emotions
feel emotions
write poems
work in space
walk on water
walk upside down

Robot Revolution What things can robots do that humans can`t? What can humans do what robots can`t?

Слайд 4Ping Pong Robot – At a research center in Utah (the

USA), scientists train robots to play table tennis using human-like movements
Ping Pong Robot – At a research center in Utah (the USA), scientists train robots to play

Слайд 5Robo Docs – At Pittsburgh Shadyside Hospital, doctors show how they

use a robot called ROBODOC to help in operations.
Robo Docs – At Pittsburgh Shadyside Hospital, doctors show how they use a robot called ROBODOC to

Слайд 6Driving Forces – For more than 30 years robots have worked

on car production lines in Japan.
Driving Forces – For more than 30 years robots have worked on car production lines in Japan.

Слайд 7Robots have changed greatly since they were first developed for use

in industry. Whereas earlier machines were unable to operate by themselves, a modern robot like Asimo can walk by itself, climb stairs and even run slowly.
Robots have changed greatly since they were first developed for use in industry. Whereas earlier machines were

Слайд 8Scientists are also working on robots that look and act like

animals. NASA has researched using snake-robots which might one day help scientists look for signs of life on Mars. This sticky-bot can walk upside- down on the ceiling.
Scientists are also working on robots that look and act like animals. NASA has researched using snake-robots

Слайд 9South Korea`s human-like robot EveR2-Muse in Robot World in Seoul. According

to its creator, KITECH, EveR-2 is designed to represent a Korean`s woman in her 20s. EveR-2 can show emotions like happiness and anger and can also sing.
South Korea`s human-like robot EveR2-Muse in Robot World in Seoul. According to its creator, KITECH, EveR-2 is

Слайд 10An American disabled female learns to use the Proto 1 arm

computer system, a kind of robotic arm.
An American disabled female learns to use the Proto 1 arm computer system, a kind of robotic

Слайд 11Источники изображений: http://planetashkol.ru/upload/iblock/cbc/education3.jpg http://planetashkol.ru/upload/iblock/cbc/education3.jpg Ермолаева И. А. Шаблоны для оформления школьных презентаций MS PowerPoint.

Сайт Екатерины Пашковой pedsovet.su Список использованной литературы: Nancy Douglas. Reading Explorer 1. 2009, Heinle Cengage Learning.
Источники изображений: http://planetashkol.ru/upload/iblock/cbc/education3.jpg http://planetashkol.ru/upload/iblock/cbc/education3.jpg Ермолаева И. А. Шаблоны для оформления школьных презентаций MS PowerPoint. Сайт Екатерины Пашковой

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