Презентация, доклад Пушистые друзья 5 кл.

There is a wonderful animal in Russian Far East. Tiger is a popular animal in films about nature.

Слайд 1

Слайд 2There is a wonderful animal in Russian Far East. Tiger is

a popular animal in films about nature.
There is a wonderful animal in Russian Far East. Tiger is a popular animal in films about

Слайд 3This big animal comes from the cat family. It’s about a

metre tall, 2.5 metres long and it weighs 300 kilograms.
This big animal comes from the cat family. It’s about a metre tall, 2.5 metres long and

Слайд 4The tiger has got golden or red fur with black stripes

It has got small round ears and long tail.

The tiger has got golden or red fur with black stripes It has got small round ears

Слайд 5The tiger has got yellow eyes, pink nose and long whiskers.

The tiger has got yellow eyes, pink nose and long whiskers.

Слайд 6It’s very fast and it can jump and swim very well.

It’s got very strong teeth and it kills other animals for food. The tiger is a great and beautiful animal.

It’s very fast and it can jump and swim very well. It’s got very strong teeth and

Слайд 7This animal is in danger. People kill it for it’s beautiful

striped fur.
This animal is in danger. People kill it for it’s beautiful striped fur.

Слайд 8Использованные ресурсы
http://photopolygon.com/photo/fit/658/1950/11274.jpg.700 тигр
http://img3.proshkolu.ru/content/media/pic/std/2000000/1472000/1471205-4372c6afeaaef3f3.jpg тигр
http://www.bugaga.ru/uploads/posts/2011-03/thumbs/1300959243_1-22.jpg тигр
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p480x480/522951_10150867923609518_853550555_n.jpg тигр
http://s39.radikal.ru/i085/1108/1f/1778222465a0.jpg красная книга
http://igranadom.ru/uploadedFiles/eshopimages/big/vkladysh.jpg тигр

http://stat20.privet.ru/lr/0b2e182eecf29fd551e18087524f2a78 рамка
Использованные ресурсыhttp://photopolygon.com/photo/fit/658/1950/11274.jpg.700 тигрhttp://img3.proshkolu.ru/content/media/pic/std/2000000/1472000/1471205-4372c6afeaaef3f3.jpg тигрhttp://www.bugaga.ru/uploads/posts/2011-03/thumbs/1300959243_1-22.jpg тигрhttp://www.kakprosto.ru/sites/kakprosto/files/images/a1ac07a33aa13f6575625e16a443084a/main-e8944589583c192780a44cc28a67252a.jpg http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p480x480/522951_10150867923609518_853550555_n.jpg тигрhttp://s39.radikal.ru/i085/1108/1f/1778222465a0.jpg красная книгаhttp://igranadom.ru/uploadedFiles/eshopimages/big/vkladysh.jpg тигрhttp://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/31/46375118.50/0_996f6_d0fdd3d6_XL фонhttp://stat20.privet.ru/lr/0b2e182eecf29fd551e18087524f2a78 рамка

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