Презентация, доклад Празднование Пасхи в англоязычных странах

Easter - a Christian holiday in honor of Jesus Christ revival


Копаева Т.И.
учитель английского и немецкого языка

Г. Нижний Тагил
EASTER Копаева Т.И. учитель английского и немецкого языка МБОУ СОШ № 12 Г. Нижний Тагил

Слайд 2Easter - a Christian holiday in honor of Jesus Christ revival

Easter - a Christian holiday in honor of Jesus Christ revival

Слайд 3It is marked by Catholic church in the first full moon

revival after a spring equinox between 22 Martha and on April, 25th
It is marked by Catholic church in the first full moon revival after a spring equinox between

Слайд 4At this time in Great Britain there are tulips, crocuses and

At this time in Great Britain there are tulips, crocuses and narcissuses.

Слайд 5Easter eggs give each other on the Palm Sunday

Easter eggs give each other on the Palm Sunday

Слайд 6An Easter egg - a symbol of new life

An Easter egg - a symbol of new life

Слайд 7However in Great Britain the tradition is extended – to give

to friends and relatives not the present eggs

and chocolate, in which caramel or any other sweets, and also various souvenirs in the form of Easter eggs.

However in Great Britain the tradition is extended – to give to friends and relatives not the

Слайд 8In day of Easter at a dawn in churches pass religious


In Catholic temples pass organ music concerts.

In day of Easter at a dawn in churches pass religious services. In Catholic temples pass organ

Слайд 9This day it is accepted to put on new clothes that

symbolizes the end of a season of bad weather and approach of spring
This day it is accepted to put on new clothes that symbolizes the end of a season

Слайд 10Easter baskets (Easter baskets), filled with eggs, bread and other meal,

take with itself on easter service to consecrate in church
Easter baskets (Easter baskets), filled with eggs, bread and other meal, take with itself on easter service

Слайд 11On Easter Monday it is accepted to give to children in

sweet and toy streets.
On Easter Monday it is accepted to give to children in sweet and toy streets.

Слайд 12In Britain traditional games are extended to Easter also. Adults hide

eggs, and children, having woken up in the morning, are engaged in searches.

The one who will find the greatest quantity, the prize waits.

In Britain traditional games are extended to Easter also. Adults hide eggs, and children, having woken up

Слайд 13For Easter across all Great Britain pass pleasure actions and games

in the open air.
For Easter across all Great Britain pass pleasure actions and games in the open air.

Слайд 14The Christ has revived...

The Christ has revived...

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