Презентация, доклад по темеИзвестные люди - Dmitry Mendeleev

The Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleyev is regarded as the father of the periodic table of chemical elements. He studied all the elements known at the time and discovered that they showed a regular repetition of properties

Слайд 1Dmitry Mendeleyev
Made by Katya Karikh

Dmitry MendeleyevMade by Katya Karikh

Слайд 2The Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleyev is regarded as the father of

the periodic table of chemical elements. He studied all the elements known at the time and discovered that they showed a regular repetition of properties when arranged in a certain order.
The Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleyev is regarded as the father of the periodic table of chemical elements.

Слайд 3He also predicted the discovery and properties of new elements. All

of these have now been isolated and named; one, mendelevium, is named for Mendeleyev.
He also predicted the discovery and properties of new elements. All of these have now been isolated

Слайд 4Mendeleyev also experimented with agricultural production based on scientific principles, increasing

its efficiency to such an extent that his methods came to be applied in many Russian industries.
Mendeleyev also experimented with agricultural production based on scientific principles, increasing its efficiency to such an extent

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