Презентация, доклад по теме Welcome to Great Britain

Meet new words :

Слайд 1 Welcome to the United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland

Welcome to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Слайд 2Meet new words :

Meet new words :

Слайд 3Let’s check your knowledge

Let’s check your knowledge

Слайд 4Complete the table :

Complete the table :

Слайд 5Now complete the statements
The full name of Great Britain is

…… .
Britain consists of four parts: …..,…..,…..,….. .
The head of the country is the …….. .
The Flag of The United Kingdom is called “ … …”.
All people in Britain speak British English .
Now complete the statements The full name of Great Britain is …… .Britain consists of four parts:

Слайд 6The British Queen – Elisabeth II

The British Queen – Elisabeth II

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