Презентация, доклад по теме Трафальгарская площадь

Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London, a public space and a tourist attraction in central London. It has been a central meeting place since the Middle Ages.

Слайд 1Trafalgar Square, Whitehall

Trafalgar Square, Whitehall

Слайд 2Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London, a public space

and a tourist attraction in central London. It has been a central meeting place since the Middle Ages.
Trafalgar Square is the largest square in London, a public space and a tourist attraction in central

Слайд 3Trafalgar Square, the centre of London
A visit to the capital would

be incomplete without visiting Trafalgar Square, the best starting point for any excursion about London.
Trafalgar Square, the centre of LondonA visit to the capital would be incomplete without visiting Trafalgar Square,

Слайд 4The original name was “King William VI’s Square”. The present architecture

of the square is due to Sir Charles Barry and was completed in 1845.

Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery, London, 1890-1900

The original name was “King William VI’s Square”. The present architecture of the square is due to

Слайд 5It was dedicated in honour of the victory of the

British Navy over the Napoleon Fleet in the decisive battle at the Spanish Cap Trafalgar.
It was dedicated in honour  of the victory of the British Navy over the Napoleon Fleet

Слайд 6Monument to Admiral Nelson on top the column
Right in the centre

of the Square there stands the Nelson Column 44 meters high.
Monument to Admiral Nelson on top the columnRight in the centre of the Square there stands the

Слайд 7The 5.5 m statue at the top was sculptured by Edward

Hodges Baily from three pieces of Craigleith sandstone.
The 5.5 m statue at the top was sculptured by Edward Hodges Baily from three pieces of

Слайд 8Admiral Nelson was a great seaman , a famous national English

hero. He won many sea fights. He was the Commander-in-chief of the British Fleet in Napoleon’s War.
Admiral Nelson was a great seaman , a famous national English hero. He won many sea fights.

Слайд 9He was badly wounded in the Battle of Trafalgar against the

Napoleon fleet. But the battle was won by the English. The canvas shows the last three letters of the famous signal, "England expects that every man will do his duty" flying from “Victory” flagship.

“The Battle of Trafalgar” by J. M. W. Turner (oil on canvas, 1822–1824)

He was badly wounded in the Battle of Trafalgar against the Napoleon fleet. But the battle was

Слайд 10The pedestal of the column is decorated with four bronze relief

panels, depicting some moments of Nelson’s life. The north side of the plinth depicts the death of Horatio Nelson, by John Edward Carew.
The pedestal of the column is decorated with four bronze relief panels, depicting some moments of Nelson’s

Слайд 11Admiral Nelson was buried in London in St. Paul’s Cathedral. Thankful

Englishmen honour the memory of Admiral Nelson.
Admiral Nelson was buried in London in St. Paul’s Cathedral. Thankful Englishmen honour the memory of Admiral

Слайд 12Four identical bronze lions at the foot of the Nelson column

symbolize the power of England on sea and shore.
Four identical bronze lions at the foot of the Nelson column symbolize the power of England on

Слайд 13The lions, designed by Sir Edwin Landseer were not added until

The lions, designed by Sir Edwin Landseer were not added until 1867.

Слайд 14Some tourists find these lions very convenient to ride upon.

Some tourists find these lions very convenient to ride upon.

Слайд 15The National Art Gallery is situated on Trafalgar Square. It is

one of the best picture galleries in the world. It houses a wonderful collection of paintings of both British and Old Masters.
The National Art Gallery is situated on Trafalgar Square. It is one of the best picture galleries

Слайд 16St. Martin-in-the-Fields is an Anglican church at the north-east corner of

Trafalgar Square. Its patron is Saint Martin of Tours.

Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields

St. Martin-in-the-Fields is an Anglican church at the north-east corner of Trafalgar Square. Its patron is Saint

Слайд 17The Royal family and all those living in Buckingham Palace are

among its parishioners. Concerts of classical music are often arranged there.
The Royal family and all those living in Buckingham Palace are among its parishioners. Concerts of classical

Слайд 18Trafalgar Square Fountains. The National Gallery in the Left.
There are two beautiful

fountains in Trafalgar Square. They are in front of the National Gallery.
Trafalgar Square Fountains. The National Gallery in the Left.There are two beautiful fountains in Trafalgar Square. They

Слайд 19The new lighting has been designed with the London 2012 Summer

Olympics Games in mind. They project many different combinations of colours on to the fountains.
The new lighting has been designed with the London 2012 Summer Olympics Games in mind. They project

Слайд 20Each year in December, the people of Norway send a gift

of a huge Christmas tree to Britain, which is erected in Trafalgar Square. This is in thanks for Britain's part in their liberation during WW II.
Each year in December, the people of Norway send a gift of a huge Christmas tree to

Слайд 21A gathering of Carol Singers in front of the Christmas Tree

in Trafalgar Square

One of the unforgettable sights of London is to see the giant tree after dark, when it is lit by hundreds of twinkling fairy lights, carol singers grouped around, while floodlights illuminate the sparkling water in the fountains of the square.

A gathering of Carol Singers in front of the Christmas Tree in Trafalgar SquareOne of the unforgettable

Слайд 22Trafalgar Square during the 2009-2010 New Year Celebrations
Hundreds of Londoners and

tourists see the New Year in on Trafalgar Square at the chime of Big Ben.
Trafalgar Square during the 2009-2010 New Year CelebrationsHundreds of Londoners and tourists see the New Year in

Слайд 23New Years night on Trafalgar Square, London

New Years night on Trafalgar Square, London

Слайд 24Whitehall & Big Ben, View from Trafalgar Square
To get to the Houses

of Parliament from Trafalgar Square we should walk along Whitehall. It’s not a hall or a building –
Whitehall & Big Ben, View from Trafalgar SquareTo get to the Houses of Parliament from Trafalgar Square

Слайд 25Busy Whitehall traffic with the clock tower housing Big Ben in

the background.

it’s a street, the main artery running north from Parliament Square, towards Charring Cross at the southern end of Trafalgar Square.

Busy Whitehall traffic with the clock tower housing Big Ben in the background.it’s a street, the main

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