Презентация, доклад по теме №8

The map of London

Слайд 1 Novouralsk School Welcome to London

Novouralsk School    Welcome to London

Слайд 2The map of London

The map of London

Слайд 3The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament

Слайд 4Big Ben

Big Ben

Слайд 5The Tower of London

The Tower of London

Слайд 6Trafalgar Square Nelson’s Column

Trafalgar Square Nelson’s Column

Слайд 7The Crown Jewels

The Crown Jewels

Слайд 8The Beefeaters guard

The Beefeaters guard

Слайд 9The Ravens of the Tower of London

The Ravens of the Tower of London

Слайд 10Quiz
1. What is a capital of England?

2. Can you find Trafalgar


3. Where can you look at the Crown

4. How old is the Tower of London?
Quiz1. What is a capital of England?2. Can you find Trafalgar Square?3. Where can you look at

Слайд 11Keys
1. London

2. It’s to the north of the Houses of Parliament

the Tower of London
4. more than 900 years old
Keys1. London2. It’s to the north of the Houses of Parliament3. the Tower of London4. more than

Слайд 12 Thanks a lot for attention!

Thanks a lot for attention!

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